Example sentences of "in [noun sg] [to-vb] [adv prt] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Coming in from a film background myself , and being film-minded , I found I was soon in demand to help out with film sequences — ultimately being asked to direct these sequences for Directors who did n't have much experience with the medium . ’
2 The project known as Chemistry Plus — chemistry plus applications , linked teachers with over twenty organisations in order to create up to date resources for pupils studying the National Curriculum .
3 In order to fall in with Stock Exchange requirements , Harvard introduced a wretched task for dealers , viz. the filling in of client profile cards .
4 A Goebbels article in Das Reich at the beginning of March , in which he had emphasized ‘ the great honour of the victims and of holding out for the new Europe ’ , for which it was worthwhile ‘ fighting to the last man in order to go down in history ’ , met with heavy criticism .
5 Experienced volunteers thought that they should help with in-bureau tutoring ; among the few who knew what social policy work was , there were some who wanted to take more part in it and others who wanted more time to read in order to keep up to date .
6 Underlining the absurdity of Ireland 's proportional representation system — and make no mistake about it , if we had a proportional system in Britain , it would n't be that nice Paddy Ashdown holding the balance of power , it would more likely be the Reverend Ian Paisley and a couple of Welsh Nationalists — the issue of whether or not Cable & Wireless Plc can buy a stake in Telecom Eireann could bring the coalition government down : Fianna Fail realises that in order to bring in outside investment into the debt-strapped state phone company and increase the lamentable penetration of just 31 phone lines per 100 people , there is little alternative to privatising the company outright or at least bringing an outside investor , but Dick Spring , deputy prime minister and leader of the Labour Party , minority partner in the coalition , issued a statement saying that any privatisation ‘ would represent a breach of the programme of government . ’
7 In order to cut down on salt intake , first remove salt containers from the table .
8 Can I just clarify , what , what you 're saying is that in a sense there is this overall aim of getting through to socialism but the means of getting there have now changed so that we 've gone from absolute egalitarianism , which is , is an immediate step tow towards socialism you 've gone away from that and the position is now to create a rich peasant economy in order to industrialize , in order to get through to collectivization , I E into socialism .
9 Larger families represent an unacceptable burden on the state or , worse still , may become enemies of society : " All intelligent Salvadoreans — men or women — ought to realize that in order to get on in life , it is better to have one well-trained child , than 5 or 10 who are a burden , or enemies of the society in which we live .
10 Joe Clark , the former Prime Minister , once confessed that , faced with the choice of learning of economics or learning French , he chose the latter in order to get on in politics .
11 If necessary rescheduling should be carried out either to give a new completion date or to increase resources ( or reduce time allocated ) in order to get back on schedule .
12 Usually , what with shooting and swimming with the others and riding up at Biddy 's , he had only got back to the garden shed in time to flake out until morning .
13 Form 86 or a quite informal letter is then sufficient — such as : We hereby consent to the property known as [ shown edged red on the accompanying plan ] being part of the land comprised in the above title being transferred free from the [ Intended ] Notice of Deposit registered on the But some banks ( which favour this type of security in appropriate cases ) have their own favoured form of withdrawal ; acting for a seller you 'll satisfy yourself on this point and obtain the necessary withdrawal in time to hand over on completion .
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