Example sentences of "in [noun sg] [verb] [pron] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Identification is a process which occurs when the ego , in part abandoning its awareness of itself as a separate entity , equates itself , or some aspect of itself , with some external thing .
2 The daily ritual of meal-times , for example , may often contain a wealth of deliberately and non-deliberately imparted information for the child , in part confirming his status as a child ( children should be seen and not heard , children should finish their cabbage because it is good for them ) , in part defining the stages of growing up ( older children sit on ‘ proper ’ chairs , drink out of ‘ proper ’ cups , and use knives and forks ) , and in part defining and reinforcing certain adult identities ( father carves the joint , mother brings food from the stove ) .
3 The forty or so girls , dressed in mufti to mark their status as sixth-formers , stood up on the arrival of the speaker and his escort .
4 ( Nigel Stanley ) ; ‘ Sunseekers sprinting through Gatwick in attempt to catch their flight to Spain . ’
5 Green-eyed , bemasked , conjuring up the ten-foot plus boards that could conquer the peaks of Waimea , Ken Bradshaw reminded me of Dr Rotwang in Metropolis instilling his robot with beauty and life .
6 The brains in rock wear their disdain on the top deck , a glimpse of the ivories to warn off the unwary and make it clear that they are outsiders .
7 The brains in rock wear their disdain on the top deck , a glimpse of the ivories to warn off the unwary and make it clear that they are outsiders .
8 And it is fatuous for Mr Paddy Ashdown to claim that he stands in readiness to preserve our democracy with a more moderate alternative to Labour .
9 Government will work in partnership to secure our heritage for the benefit of future generations .
10 To do so would suggest that the Bank were in effect guaranteeing their payment at maturity .
11 The Bank , by rejecting offers at r 1 , is in effect reducing its demand for bills ( D 1 to D 2 ) , and thereby drives up the rediscount rate to r 2 .
12 The exception is , of course , in the pronouncement that shareholders have in effect surrendered their power to professional management , a pronouncement which does not so much face the central question of the rights of ownership as to try to pass it by .
13 By accepting the jurisdiction of an external authority in domestic matters , the UK in effect converted her responsibility for the external relations of the Isle of Man into a total responsibility for its internal affairs , and abrogated by a sidewind the semi-independence of the Islands , which are under the Crown but not part of the United Kingdom .
14 The King was also widely criticized for in effect putting his conscience above his role as head of state .
15 Clearly he is a man who , on the night in question allowed his enthusiasm for sex to overcome normal behaviour . ’
16 The phenomenon depends upon an exchange of benefits and not upon the fact that , as in Hamilton 's theory , the gene in question benefits its duplicate in another organism .
17 The Dale Farm Olympic Youth Camp , held earlier this month in Antrim , dealt with topics that would have left old timers in sport shaking their head in disbelief .
18 The Soviet and East European participants , however , were obliged in return to give their agreement to the so-called ‘ Basket 3 ’ , which concerned the movement of people and ideas between East and West in areas such as tourism , the reunification of families and access to printed and other media The Final Act also committed its signatories to a series of follow-up meetings , designed to monitor the fulfilment of the agreement ; the first of these was held in Belgrade in 1977 , and the second in Madrid in 1980 .
19 Something inherent in maleness necessitates its expression in systems of oppressive hierarchies .
20 Many people in business mark their correspondence with a series of letters and numbers which are instructions to the typist to compose a letter from previously composed standard paragraphs .
21 The course is designed to enable students who have taken a first degree in German to increase their knowledge of modern German literature and to extend their competence to the medium of film .
22 The Criminal Justice Act 1991 allows child witnesses in court to give their evidence-in-chief of video , though they must still be cross-examined ‘ live ’ .
23 Defence barristers for people charged with riot asked police officers in court to justify their behaviour at Orgreave — the details of which had appeared on television screens across the country .
24 Within eighteen months McCartney was in court dissolving his connection to Apple and the other Beatles .
25 The nature of excuses in crime and of equity in contract is , however , so particularistic and so dependent upon the facts of the case that it strains credulity to imagine someone seeking in advance to bring his case under such categories .
26 But emotion is even more than that ; all art springs from feelings ; vision and creativity and everything that is truly valuable in life has its origin in emotion .
27 Indignation grew as the stench became increasingly nauseating and each local body in turn denied its liability for disposing of several tons of putrefying whalemeat .
28 The core of the Octobrist party , which had suffered major defections to the Right , and a new Progressive party , led by a group of Moscow industrialists , moved close to the Kadets , who in turn intensified their opposition to the government .
29 But at the same time the painter now felt compelled to give in every painting a multiplicity of information about the formal properties of his subject , and this in turn rendered his task in some ways more complex than it had been hitherto .
30 This in turn made its impact on the choice of precious substances and not least on the skill and inventiveness with which these were mounted and displayed .
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