Example sentences of "in [noun pl] [modal v] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Again , the tendency towards progressive improvement in gazelles would slow to a halt , were it not for the parallel tendency to improvement shown by their predators .
2 Changes in the curriculum in schools will lead to an increase in the number of language graduates recruited into teacher training .
3 Health education programmes in schools can contribute towards the development of a concept of safety and a responsible attitude towards maintaining a safe environment .
4 Through the firm and persuasive advocacy of Marsh he was eventually permitted to incept , but the case provoked the university to decree that in future no scholar who had not ruled in arts could proceed to a degree in theology : a statute which would engender recurrent disputes between the friars and the university .
5 A direct block in combinations may occur in the following way .
6 His back catalogue is his best defence ; go and listen to it ( It is , incidentally , being reissued on vinyl ‘ as archive material ’ because Albini believes that the aluminium in CDs will oxidise in the next ten years and the medium — conveniently for record companies — will become defunct ) .
7 An increase in earnings will lead to a reduction in both benefit and child support and so lone mothers will tend to be trapped at a low level of income .
8 The degree of precision in objectives will depend on the intentions of the teacher , the experience of the student and the nature of the activities involved .
9 In the circumstances , it is not clear what will be considered ‘ unreasonable ’ but , for a DHA with a fixed budget , even a 10 per cent increase in prices would lead to a 9 per cent decrease in services which could be purchased — a serious blow to planning .
10 For example , Carson ( 1971 , p. 167 ) argued that an approach more firmly based in mechanics would lead to a more integrated understanding of geomorphological processes so that the student would be more impressed by unity rather than alarmed by superficial diversity .
11 Lack of awareness of late presentation of traumatic rupture of the diaphragm in children may result in a delay in diagnosis .
12 Ford says the electronics content in automobiles will double over the next decade , and that it is working with Motorola on future generations of PowerPC microcontrollers , including embedded controllers for engine management .
13 Thus , the US Administration 's contention that its planned reductions in CFCs will compensate for a failure to set emission targets for the main greenhouse gas , carbon dioxide , now appears less defensible .
14 Group numbers in dolphins may reach into the thousands and oceanic dolphins may gather in numbers exceeding 100,000 .
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