Example sentences of "in [art] next [adj] [noun pl] there " in BNC.

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1 If we 're moving to London in the next three months there 's not much time to get the question of the cottage settled .
2 In the next few days there was much wild talk about the dangers of allowing Labour to take office , and many wild schemes were designed to avert them .
3 In the next few months there will be opportunities for discussion across the Region on community care issues and I hope you will let us have your views .
4 In the next few years there will be fewer young people and these tend to make up the majority of staff in many outlets , so caterers — and particularly the large chains — will come to rely more on automation in the near future . ’
5 It is likely that in the next few years there will be pressure to bring into production the remaining hectares of delimited land , although economics and the overall strategy of the Champagne market will also play their part .
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