Example sentences of "in [art] [num ord] [adj] [noun pl] the " in BNC.

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1 In the first 18 cases the lower third of the rectum was retained and an extensive anal mucosectomy was performed with a sutured pouch ( most being of the double limb J variety ) at the dentate line .
2 Walberg , Hose and Raster ( 1978 ) showed the significant relationship between LOR and proficiency in English with Japanese children in the USA , but also point out that the rate of learning slows down very quickly over time , so that in the first two months the child learns as much as he will in the next five months , the next year and so on .
3 The large wartime backlog of investment left considerable scope for economies in new investment , as in the first ten years the length of distribution mains in service were extended by nearly a third .
4 But in the first few feet the delight of winter flying , even in an open cockpit , was apparent .
5 In Chapters 10-12 we examine the latter and in the next four chapters the former .
6 The decline was finally arrested in 1984 ; in the next four years the losses of the previous fourteen were made good !
7 In the next six years the workforce is due to rise only slowly , by 600,000 overall .
8 Three times in the next ten days the beacons passed news from point to point — from Rubha Nan Gall across the Sound of Mull to Castle Nan Con , back to Aros , across to Ardtornish and back again to Duart — that the threat that had first been hinted in Luch 's arrival had taken solid shape .
9 In the next three weeks the same treatment was handed out to four more castles : Genzac , Marcillac , Grouville and Anville .
10 In the next few minutes the small parties moved in quick spurts from the deep shadow of one warehouse to the next black patch of cover .
11 In the next few days the Governor was out among the people , and newspaper reports spoke of ‘ the friendliest reception everywhere ’ .
12 In the next few days the family will arrange for her to have a check-up at the Royal Manchester Childrens ' Hospital , where she will become an outpatient .
13 So far the birds in this country are being reared solely for sale as breeding pairs , but it 's hoped in the next few years the stock will be large enough to sell the birds for their meat .
14 In the next few weeks the size of the picket increased , reaching 2,500 on 23 June .
15 In the next few weeks the scientists of the West were split into two groups : should or should they not try to make an H-bomb ?
16 In the next few weeks the writing of that book was to be a lifebelt .
17 IN THE NEXT few weeks the common toads of Britain ( Bufo bufo ) will converge upon lakes and ponds intent on reproduction .
18 In the next few weeks the first lucky 10 will take delivery of the fatest road car in the world .
19 In the next 20 years the NHS did not escape criticism from academic Fabians but it never reached the volume and intensity of the criticism which , for example , social security and income maintenance attracted as they appeared to retreat further and further away from the principles of the Beveridge Report .
20 They have charted complex changes since 1000 BC , showing that even in the last 1500 years the area has evolved from a series of tidal inlets , through the development of spits and dunes , to the triangular area that it is today , with the vast recent pebble dumps of Dungeness .
21 But in the last twelve months the fury of the entire national had been aroused against him by an aged , exiled cleric for whom he had only contempt .
22 In the last five years the UK colour TV industry has all but disappeared as firms from the Far East have taken over .
23 However , in the last 5 years the command line interface has begun to be replaced by the graphical user interface ( GUI ) .
24 In the last 200 years the irrigation system has been extended to increase the number of crops grown annually and especially to increase the cultivation of cotton which is a major export crop .
25 But it is certainly true that in the last sixty years the various schools and academies of acting have had a significant effect on the climate of acting .
26 In the last two decades the number of people saying they could no longer do jobs about the house or enjoy their hobbies because of sickness has steadily risen .
27 In the last two decades the British economy has suffered from high unemployment , and until recently , high inflation and low productivity growth .
28 It is also clear that in the last two weeks the whole country , as it heard different voices and different noises , has wondered who is speaking for the Labour party .
29 On financial grounds alone the event was a resounding success , and after two thrilling encounters in the last two years the public appetite here is established beyond doubt .
30 In the last two years the number of contrived matches , with results achieved only by means of last-day declarations and sometimes by lollipop bowling , has grown .
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