Example sentences of "in [art] [noun pl] [noun sg] of the " in BNC.

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1 In the lands west of the Rhine , there was in principle , as there had been in late Roman times , a count for each civitas , though in practice , one man often held two or more neighbouring civitates .
2 In 1928 he became an assistant producer in the talks department of the BBC .
3 The entry in the charges register of the building society 's legal charge was not an error and was not made under a mistake .
4 In 1989 , she headed south from her birthplace to settle in the forests east of the Värmland town of Arvika .
5 If they come up to me in the members room of the City Hall and say ‘ hello ’ what am I supposed to ?
6 In April 1980 , U2 signed to Island in the ladies toilet of the Lyceum .
7 He knew there had been fighting about Charleroi , and he had heard of some skirmishes being fought in the villages south of the Prince of Orange 's headquarters , but whether the French had invaded in force , or whether there was an attack coming in the direction of Mons , the Duke still did not know .
8 The keyword LAST-CHECKED-ISSUE does not necessarily relate to the CHECKED-BY keyword in the MODIFICATIONS-RECORDS field of the module referenced , but is purely for the user 's information .
9 We make some suggestions in the resorts section of the magazine from writers who have kept away from the pistes and enjoyed it .
10 Some 150 drawings by Robert and his son John survive in the drawings collection of the Royal Institute of British Architects .
11 In the case of companies , their objects are described in the objects clause of the memorandum of association .
12 STANLEY and Brackley , from County Durham and Northamptonshire respectively , meet at Melton Mowbray today in the triples final of the Manchester Unity National indoor championships after semi-finals of contrasting styles yesterday .
13 My son , he wrote , moving on to a new page , my son , who is a keen footballer and a passionate supporter of our local team , Brighton and Hove Albion ( the Seagulls ) , was surprised the other day when , looking in on one of the team 's training sessions in the sports pavilion of the University of Sussex , he .
14 Media ethics and broadcasting training go hand in hand in the Communications Unit of the Church of England , which is a corporate member of WACC .
15 Seven out of every 10 Mexican homes are within the range of television signals , and 96% of those homes are tuned to a channel in the communications empire of the Televisa Corporation .
16 The success rate for calculating time intervals depended on whether there were figures other than zero in the units column of the minutes .
17 In the regions west of the Rhine , the ascendance of bishops within many civitates may have strengthened counts ' preferences for the country life .
18 The Chancellor noted his appreciation of the evening by writing ‘ simply delicious ’ in the comments section of the visitors ' book .
19 If the procedure has failed to run to a successful completion , Computer Services will enter this fact in the COMMENTS section of the form .
20 There is no objection to including a definition of the centre in the particulars part of the lease , although it may more usually be included in clause 2 under the definitions section .
21 Details about the relaxed entrance requirements for candidates aged 21 or over are given in the admissions section of the prospectus but all such candidates should contact the faculty at an early date to obtain information about the subjects and grades they require to achieve for entry .
22 The great Croat writer , the late Miroslav Krleža , in his Ballade Petrice Kerempuha , written in the kajkavski dialect of the Zagreb region , was one of many who drew inspiration from the terrible events of 1573 .
23 He saw service in France , the Middle East and England as a captain in the Signals Service of the Royal Engineers , and learned his future trade well .
24 Chaot was racing in the CHS division of the ARC and her slot on the notice board was occupied by ‘ DNF ’ .
25 The Court 's use in the Expenses case of the internal management rule provides third parties with some degree of protection against a representative or organ of an organisation acting beyond its powers .
26 Like the previous speakers I greatly welcome the concessions er proposed by the Government er in the police aspect of the Bill , although I c ca n't refrain from commenting that I simply can not understand why they were surprised at the reaction to their original proposal , given what had already been said in this House and by everybody that they consulted , but welcome though these concessions are , er I myself find them falling short of the ideal in three respects .
27 Where a similar pattern occurred in the parishes north of the Downland scarp there was some resistance from the local interests of lesser men , displaced as they often were from what they had come to regard as their ‘ customary ’ rights , particularly grazing on the extensive wastes .
28 On the night of April 8-9 a fire in a weapons depot of the former Soviet army north of Yerevan ( Armenia ) caused widespread damage as the weaponry stored there exploded .
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