Example sentences of "in [art] [noun] [adj] time [art] " in BNC.

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1 Of course I was not saying I see people elbowed in the face 200 times a week .
2 Not one to shirk the product testing , she eats in the restaurants five times a week and , on some occasions , has a chef cook the entire menu for her .
3 I worked out in a gym three times a week but when my fitness was tested for the BBC 's The Fitness Programme ( which , embarrassingly , I was presenting ) , it was discovered that although my biceps were passable , my heart and lungs were unaffected by my muscle conditioning .
4 I was given , in my first job , responsibility for the administration of the education service in an area one-and-a-half times the size of Scotland .
5 This land of little more than 2m people and 24m sheep , enclosed between China and Russia in an area three times the size of France , had already appealed for emergency food aid to get it through the winter when the worst snows for 50 years hit three provinces in the south-west .
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