Example sentences of "in [art] [noun] [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The elections in the Ukraine saw the nationalist organization Rukh ( " The People 's Movement " ) take control of the city soviet in the capital , Kiev .
2 In the gilts market the only seller was the Bank of England , which officially off-loaded £1.6 billion of paper .
3 When John Hawarde , a lawyer , was summoned from his rooms in the Temple to attend the Privy Council at Greenwich he had to pay Mr Ward , the Clerk of the Council , a royal for recording his appearance , 6s. 8d. for his entering into a bond , and 6s. 8d. for the bond itself .
4 The flames of the rushlights burning in the gallery overlooking the great hall flickered gently , as though reaching out warm fingers to caress the girl passing beneath them .
5 The unit 's findings are based on a variety of factors such as : *more travel is likely to be for leisure purposes , with people taking greater advantage of greater access to the countryside *there simply is n't enough space in the cities to accommodate the predicted number of privately owned cars .
6 So , if hearing people are told that deaf people are ‘ disabled ’ or ‘ sick ’ — a layperson 's view which is widespread in the system surrounding the deaf individual — they can never begin to understand how they themselves may be disabling deaf people or can be the source of the infection .
7 We are aware that we can control the method of access by users though our application , but there are other tools they are using in in the company to access the corporate relational database and your database controller must be aware of those tools and implement the same controls on those views of that information within the database .
8 ‘ being a person to whom a provisional licence to drive a motor vehicle had been granted ’ Is usually proved by the police officer in the case examining the current provisional licence .
9 In the rush to meet the first deadline on hours much of the spirit of the new deal has been lost .
10 The cracker in the suit has the other front seat .
11 In the diary covering the last four years of his life there is little mention of books , but he had brought out an edition of Aristophanes ' ‘ Plutus ’ and ‘ Clouds ’ in 1767 .
12 Such a rod casts long and accurately ; picks up a long line without maniacal exertion , and remains soft enough in the tip to retain the necessary shock-absorber effect .
13 In the hall hung the amputated blade of an oar : inscribed in gold lettering on its black scoop were the names of a college eight , each of whom had been awarded such a trophy in sun-ridden pre-war days ; the item seemed impossibly exotic .
14 Behind the old lady in the hall stood the little brass dinner gong , but even that looked much smaller than in memory .
15 ‘ I 'm telling you , ’ she said , ‘ when I heard that big clock in the hall striking the five , you could 've knocked me down with a feather !
16 This morning I observed all of them returning home in single file after their dawn patrol around the valley and as usual mother was leading the way with father in the middle keeping the unruly youngsters in hand .
17 I did n't know exactly where Leicester Square was , but 1 did know it was n't far from Piccadilly , I had seen it in one of those tourist maps I had in my hand a short while ago , did n't know where it went , probably left it in the cinema showing the explicit sex film which was n't .
18 Twenty-four hour , 365 days a year fast emergency response is included in the contracts to ensure the maximum convenience to customers and guests
19 On April 7 the 32-strong UK Conservative group in the EP joined the Christian Democratic European Popular Party ( EPP ) group , bringing its numbers to 162 as compared with 180 for the largest group , the Socialists.The Conservatives had asked to join the EPP group after the 1989 European elections but protracted negotiations had resulted from Belgian , Italian and Netherlands Christian Democrats scepticism about the Conservative commitment to Europe .
20 The manuscript reads : ‘ Item , on Wenysdaye the vth of Septembre , between ij and iij of the Clocke in the morninge died the aforesaid Ladye , late Quene Dowager at the Castle of Sudley in Glocestreshyre , 1548 , and lyeth buried in the Chapell of the seid Castle .
21 The remaining yeast in the casks turns the residual sugars into alcohol while the natural gas produced escapes through a soft porous wooden peg knocked into the shive hole on top of the cask .
22 The alternative is to bury an architrave switch mounting box in the wall to take the terminal connector strip , and secure the light fitting centrally over this , so that the securing screws can go into wall plugs fitted in holes , which you drill in the wall either side of the box .
23 In the standard test the oesophageal pH was monitored 5 cm above the manometrically defined lower sphincter during four provocations ( deep breathing Valsalva manoeuvre and cough , for three times , and Trendelenburg position for three minutes ) , when a fall to pH<4 was considered to indicate reflux .
24 The centre , at Kirby College , Middlesbrough , is thought to be the first unit in the country to receive the British Standards Institute BS5750 Part One registration , the recognised stamp of quality for industry and business .
25 Recognising the quality of our career development programmes , the Department of employment chose Sainsbury 's to be the only employer in the country to pilot the new career guidance vouchers through the Choices programme .
26 Employees relocating to London receive a maximum allowance of £871 a year and those moving to areas of higher priced housing elsewhere in the country receive the current maximum payment of £638 per year .
27 Lea-Anna Moffitt , a 16 year-old member of Tyneside Golf Club , is the latest girl golfer in the country to win the coveted Gold Award under the Golf Foundation Merit Award Scheme .
28 Inconceivable though it may seem , some of the most abused victims in the country have the greatest difficulty in having their voices heard .
29 A hospital in Buckinghamshire is one of only two in the country performing the new operation .
30 US troops , who eventually will have 28,000 soldiers in the country leading the United Nations action , will also be securing other airstrips as a base for food distribution .
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