Example sentences of "in [art] [adj] [noun pl] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 But it 's in the small firms where the growth is and it 's usually hard to get people on any courses that a small company .
2 The recent excesses of the financial world inevitably invite comparisons with the 1930s , when share prices fell by two-thirds in the five years following the Great Crash of 1929 .
3 On the other hand , it would be incorrect to suppose that the first influx of nuclear workers in Thurso did not produce the twofold or greater increase noted in rural new towns : the only two cases at ages 0–14 in the period 1951–67 occurred in the five years following the influx in 1958 ( expected 0.41 ; not significant ) .
4 In the four months following the emperor 's departure , Charles 's military moves are unknown .
5 In terms of an artist who discovers the meaning in the making of a picture , he is , I think , the superior artist , and that Picasso really only matches him in the Cubist paintings where the meaning is found in the material in an extraordinary sense , with dapplings and little markings and so on .
6 After she left the kitchen , Nicandra delayed her disappointing return to Aunt Tossie by a wander in the lower regions where the doors to other domestic businesses opened out of the kitchen passages .
7 Twenty editions were published in the six weeks following the King 's death , and several more even after the book was banned by the Government .
8 According to the US Department of Agriculture , American apple growers lost $125 million in the six months following the scare over the preservative Alar , which was claimed by the Natural Resources Defence Council ( NRDC ) to cause cancer .
9 Paykel ( 1979 ) calculated that the risk of a person developing depression increases sixfold in the six months following an exit event .
10 The men and women ( eleven in all ) who met here and talked for a few hours and went their unremarkable ways , were the descendants of the impassioned few Roxborough had gathered around him in the dark days following the failure of the Reconciliation .
11 We tried to avoid such adventures by sticking to the deeper channels and harbours , but some guests demanded we anchor in the shallower lagoons where the rays glided above the bright sand and the grey snappers schooled and the barracudas patrolled .
12 For example , John Fox and Peter Goldblatt ( 1982 ) have shown that after controlling for age , mortality in the 5 years following the 1971 Census for men aged 15 to 64 was greater for the highest social class , professional workers , who were living in the local authority sector , than for the lowest social class , unskilled manual workers , in the owner-occupied sector ( see figure 7.9 ) .
13 Gall bladder contraction was significantly ( p<0.05 ) weaker , however , in patients with cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy as compared with those without ( Fig 1 ) as in the former patients only the highest dose of cholecystokinin 8 induced a significant decrease of gall bladder volumes .
14 There are large numbers of executions , lots of people are er taken off to prison , many people in fear and despair and demoralization drop out of the Communist Party , it 's particularly dangerous to be a Communist Party member in the major cities where the repression is most intense and where the security forces er are most numerous .
15 Moreover , it would be quite wrong to conclude that in the above examples only the tones given would be appropriate ; it is , in fact , almost impossible to find a context where one could not substitute a different tone .
16 In the remaining insects only the basal segment contains muscles , Johnston 's organ is present and increase in the number of segments occurs through division of the 3rd segment or sometimes also of some or all of the more distal segments .
17 Is my hon. and learned Friend aware that in the Baltic states today the problems of lack of food and hunger are just as serious as , if not more serious than , those in the big cities of the former Soviet Union , but that they receive little attention ?
18 Fearfrost was forged by the ancient khan-queen Miska of the Gospodars in the ancient days when the tribes of Kislev first journeyed to the west .
19 The effect of erosion on volcano morphology is beautifully illustrated in the Hawaiian Islands where the degree of dissection of each island is proportional to the time elapsed since volcanic activity ceased .
20 It should , in my opinion , only be in the rare cases where the very issue of interpretation which the courts are called on to resolve has been addressed in Parliamentary debate and where the promoter of the legislation has made a clear statement directed to that very issue , that reference to Hansard should be permitted .
21 In the two decades following the Second World War , secondary schools were divided into grammar and secondary modern schools .
22 In the two weeks following the election there were intensive discussions between the VP , the VNUP , and the MPP concerning the possibility of forming a coalition government .
23 But US confidence in dealing with Russia was bolstered soon afterwards by the use of the atomic bomb to defeat Japan , and in the two years following a breakdown in East-West relations occurred which , with the decline of Britain to secondary status , left Europe divided between American and Soviet spheres of influence .
24 In the two years following the return to civilian rule the activity of a considerable number of the news media became increasingly partisan .
25 Something to do in the long afternoons when the house was clean , empty and hushed , and Antoinette sleeping .
26 Throughout the whole of Merseyside crime is seen as a major social problem but , as has been seen , it is in the poor areas where the victimisation rates are highest , the impact of crime is greatest and the anxiety most intense .
27 In the 11 months following the reorganisation , in which the two routes for obtaining research funds from the government were merged into one , the department has approved grants worth £100 million .
28 The second round was contested in the 58 constituencies where no candidate had gained an absolute majority in the first round .
29 So she did it in the early morning before the Men came , or in the warm evenings when the Zoo gates were shut .
30 The consequences for the country , especially in the many cases where the recipient government is not able to sort out the resultant confusion , can at worst be disastrous .
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