Example sentences of "in [art] [adj] [noun] [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Somewhat interestingly , no exact passenger figures were detailed in the 1991 DVR report and accounts although this has always been shown in previous years .
2 It was laid down in the 1991 Duopoly Review that it should not be allowed to offer entertainment until at least 1997 , when the situation will again be reviewed , and possibly for another three years after that .
3 ‘ Rodney Martin beat him in the 1991 World Championship and I 've beaten Martin , so anything is possible , ’ he said .
4 Controlling the rig Once the rig is free the hands move on to the boom in the normal sailing position and the power is controlled by sheeting in and out .
5 these other items were n't in the normal refuse collection and therefore they were going to sort of reduce them from a weekly collection to a
6 Excitation within a d-d band may lead to very little resonance Raman enhancement , and indeed for some species with inversion centers it has been found that the Raman bands are weaker than in the normal Raman spectrum when excited by light in the absorption profile of a d-d band .
7 However , each centre will deal with only one moderator who will thus have the opportunity to develop a more ‘ in depth ’ understanding of the centre 's assessment strategy , encourage integration between areas of study , ensure that there is no undue overlap or gaps in the overall assessment plan and give continuity .
8 After a further session on Nov. 25-27 a compromise agreement was reached on Dec. 6 , when the ACP countries accepted a new EC offer involving a small increase in the overall aid package and more generous arrangements on access to EC markets .
9 The Klasies River Mouth site is made to sound almost idyllic by Ronald Singer and John Wymer , who excavated there during two seasons from 1966 to 1968 : ‘ while the sea was close , the attractions of the site were numerous : an almost unlimited supply of shellfish ; large and small mammals available for hunting in the immediate hinter land and at watering places along the adjacent river ; abundant fresh water ; seals , dolphins and fishes from the sea ; marine birds to be caught easily on the beach ; natural caves and rock shelters for protection ; and an unlimited supply of good quality siliceous quartzite for making tools and weapons .
10 A death toll of 115 was recorded on April 28-29 in a Tamil Tiger attack on a Moslem village in the eastern Polonnaruwa district and in the equally bloody reprisal killings of Tamil villagers .
11 The Community Mothers initiative was developed in the Eastern Health Board because Public Health Nurses were not in a position to expand the work due to the demands of their caseloads .
12 Middle class feminists also objected to this increasing ‘ officialism , police interference and espionage ’ , just as they objected to other aspects of state intervention in the working class family and to protective legislation for women workers .
13 The Alternatives , consists of images which did not secure a place in the Ninth Awards Book and Exhibition .
14 I believe in the tall poppy syndrome that if you grow up too tall there will always be people ready to cut you down to size .
15 Maggie went to the room Paddy had rented for nigh on sixteen years , the only room in the tall lodging house that did n't accommodate more than one family .
16 There may well be standard poodle in the Irish Water Spaniel but the Newfoundland I mean is a big heavy dog .
17 At 11 p.m. on the night of June 18 , when Edward was sitting bog-eyed with weariness in the small metal box that served him as a cabin , Foley sought him out .
18 Nick Collins was born at Chopwell in County Durham but came south to find coalmining work in the small Kent coalfield and began playing football for the attractively named Canterbury Waverley , and it was from there that the Palace signed him , in spite of opposition from Arsenal , in late August 1934 .
19 The quality of ‘ education in the round ’ is to be found at its most developed in the small village school where the teachers so often become an integral part of the community in which they work .
20 Troia Cathedral , begun in 1093 , is built high up in the small hill town and is visible for miles as it stands out of the surrounding flat plain .
21 So this week you 'll do a three minute application , you 'll see the way in which th that 's going to be done from the instructions in the small group session that you 'll get today .
22 It must be the first time ever in the Five Nations Championship that two referees have dropped out of the opening games , with England 's Ed Morrison missing the Ireland v Wales game through a rib injury , and Yours Truly having to watch the England v Ireland game on television through a ‘ flu virus .
23 Oldham was the scene of a great building boom in the second half of the nineteenth century , and many ordinary working folk bought shares in the great cotton industry that gave rise to it .
24 He was narrowly pipped at the post on time in the prestigious Derby event and also took runner-up in another speed event .
25 Only last year , Belgian motor racing ace , Bertrand Gachot lost his place in the Silverstone-based Jordan team when jailed for spraying CS Gas in the face of a taxi driver he 'd crashed into .
26 Failing continued worship by the Americans , St Mark 's should have been vested in the Redundant Churches Fund once it was closed .
27 The Church Commissioners , however , had always been reluctant to vest urban churches in the Redundant Churches Fund and made it absolutely clear that they considered All Souls would impose an impossible burden on the resources of the Fund .
28 For those churches not vested in the Redundant Churches Fund or retained by the Board of Finance of the diocese , two categories can be perceived : a ) those that will be demolished ( although the Advisory Board may initially withhold a demolition certificate ) and b ) those that can be adapted to a range of alternative uses .
29 For about fifteen minutes he did nothing but sit there contentedly , sipping his coffee and watching their restless , flickering scene around him through half-open eyes : the tall , bearded man with a cigar and a fatuous grin who walked up and down at an unvarying even pace like a clockwork soldier , never looking at anybody ; the plump ageing layabout in a Gestapo officers leather coat and dark glasses holding court outside the door of the cafe , trading secrets and scandal with his men friends , assessing the passers-by as thought they were for sale , calling after women and making hour-glass gestures with his hairy gold-ringed hands ; a frail old man bent like an S , with a crazy harmless expression and a transistor radio pressed to his ear walking with the exaggerated urgency of those who have nowhere to go ; slim Africans with leatherwork belts and bangles laid out on a piece of cloth ; a Gypsy child sitting n the cold stone playing the same four note again and again on a cheap concertina ; two foreigners with guitars an a small crowd around them ; a beggar with his shirt pulled down over one shoulder to reveal the stump of an amputated arm ; a pudgy shapeless women with an open suitcase full of cigarette lighters and bootleg cassettes ; the two Nordic girls at the next table , basking half-naked in the weak March sun as though this might be the last time it appeared this year .
30 He is at pains to assure us that he will do so We are privileged to share in these Machiavellian plans ( the word ‘ reach ’ has such connotations : ‘ overreach ’ is when the Machiavel attempts too much ) , and we see them fulfilled in the brilliant wooing scene that follows .
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