Example sentences of "in [art] [adj] [noun] [noun] they " in BNC.

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1 And even in just the police station , in the small holding cells they have , it 's not very nice .
2 In Yorkshire the houses of the period tend to be of stone rubble while in the former Wiltshire downlands they are more often than not made of cob , a mixture of chalk , straw and manure , or of flint rubble .
3 They will initially interpret a rise in the demand for and price of their product as a rise in its relative price and as implying a fall in the real wage rate they must pay measured in terms of their product .
4 When workers experience a rise in the real wage rate they face a decoding problem : they must decide whether this increase is a permanent rise , that is a rise which is likely to endure into the foreseeable future , or a temporary rise , that is a rise which is likely to be reversed in the near future .
5 Life on the Swindon bench has been full of heartbreak this season … so near and yet so far … it 's not so long ago that Town were winning week in week out … tomorrow they 've got Newcastle at home and back in the first division days they were no problem … 2-1 Swindon beat them last March
6 Life on the Swindon bench has been full of heartbreak this season … so near and yet so far … it 's not so long ago that Town were winning week in week out … tomorrow they 've got Newcastle at home and back in the first division days they were no problem … 2-1 Swindon beat them last March
7 In the First World War they would have simply been taken out and shot . ’
8 Oh he was on the river he he was always connected with the river my father and in the First World War they towed the dredger from here to Ramsgate and er he was , he was in the Army but he was connected to the Inland Water Transport and cos they were dredging out the harbour at Ramsgate .
9 Since the commission was set up in the First World War they in nineteen ninety five they said it would break even for the first time and agreed the last and thirties and forty come to maturity in which incomes are expected to double by twenty , twenty two .
10 But in the second order system they take on a different set of structural features .
11 He said : ‘ In the Second World War they would have been branded as lacking in moral fibre and been shunned by their service colleagues .
12 So at the moment Notts County , although they scored four goals and Bolton scored five , so in the current English system they 'd just be one goal behind Bolton , their goal difference is only plus two , Bolton 's is plus five , so that is a significant factor .
13 In and out of holes in the soft cliff face they darted : forked tails , sandy brown backs with a brown band dividing white throat and white belly .
14 In the locked glove compartment they found a £3,137.33 Access bill .
15 In the old Tarzan movies they used drums , and they also used natives and the warriors carried a stick , they called it a forked stick and it looks like the assembly might need a new set of forked sticks
16 The need for accountability — no matter how much discretion those working in the public sector exercise they will ultimately be accountable for their decisions either to superior officers or to the public through the tribunal systems .
17 When fried in the big iron pan they made an omelette that had a taste and a smell like nothing else in the whole world .
18 They imposed a new regularity on Lewes life , meeting in the now-vanished Town House they built in 1564 , set apart with style from the lesser people .
19 But curiously enough , such articulate recognition of the educational significance of the manyattas was exceptional , though administrators often behaved and wrote in ways which hinted at an implicit acknowledgement of the similarity between what went on in a Masai manyatta and what went on in the English boarding schools they had themselves attended .
20 The agreement and friendship between the two men was sealed when the Ukrainians insisted in the toasts being drunk in the special pepper vodka they had brought from home for just such an occasion .
21 Just as workers in the mass production system they too have at their command machines endowed with amazing powers ( such as computers ) , but they too can not alter their environment significantly .
22 In the Zambian food riots they burned down the supermarket and looted the shops .
23 Pied-fly numbers have increased dramatically since nest box provision has become widespread practice in the sessile oak woods they prefer .
24 In the wonderful autumn afternoons they walked by streams , crossing on little wooden bridges .
25 saw the Mitcham Light Railway as one step in the large tramway system they intended to build around Croydon and followed this acquisition by presenting a Bill to Parliament , containing their own proposals for the area .
26 In general , children stay in the same percentile band they were in at birth .
27 Secondly we were erm concerned that the county had not erm thought properly about employment densities , erm they have backed away from using employment density today as a significant calculator , but I hope you 've noticed sir that the erm the county 's mind set on employment densities is that whereas in the last structure plan they were working off a density , average density of thirty four workers for hectare .
28 For part of the trip in a flat bed truck they 'd been acompanied by armed guards , but no-one had told them why .
29 In a recent government report they say :
30 It 's safe to say that in a few years time they will be playing Las Vegas . ’
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