Example sentences of "in [pron] own [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 But I have deliberately left out in both those chapters the actual details of weight lost or gained , and have done the same in my own story at the beginning of the book .
2 In my own case by the time I became chairman of ICI , I had not actively sold in the marketplace for nine years , although , of course , as a director of a large international company I was involved from time to time in negotiations of one sort or another .
3 In my own work with the Unification Church , I was interested in describing and trying to understand a number of different , though interrelated , facets of the movement , its members and its relationship with the wider society .
4 The most extraordinary performer in my own garden at the moment is not a leaf but a seed pod , actually 18 seed pods , belonging to the shrub Decaisnea fargesii .
5 This report , the standard books , the growing number of translations of the many books of the Scriptures , and discussions with scholars in Rangoon University or simple yet thoughtful Buddhists in the villages , aroused in me a reverent admiration for the Buddha , a deep interest in his teaching , and a nagging need to build some bridge in my own mind between the two religions .
6 W.N. and L.A. Kellogg adopted the then revolutionary idea of rearing an infant chimpanzee in their own home in the 1920s but the experiment with Gua was abandoned after a year because no signs of vocalisation resembling human speech were observed .
7 Crusaders were pinned back in their own half for the first 20 minutes as the visiting pack was dominant .
8 And they both work , in their own part of the world , I 've forgotten exactly where in the United States they , they work , erm a fair bit with support groups within America and they , they 're coming to talk .
9 While the ARC cooks were emptying crabs and boning racks of lamb , five girls were involved in their own competition for the espoir , the most promising young cook .
10 Ottoman law required them to live separately in their own quarter of the town , and forbade their priests to proselytise .
11 The lights flickered on and off , illuminating others bustling back and forth , too busy in their own rush for the exits to bother with the intruders .
12 By slowing motility , bile salts may participate in their own absorption by the ‘ ileal pump ’ and in the ‘ ileal brake ’ mechanism .
13 She was following the family pattern of talking about children in their own presence in the third person instead of addressing them directly .
14 The government believes that the Convention offers an opportunity for the people of Northern Ireland to contribute directly and in their own way to the establishing of a joint and stable society in Northern Ireland .
15 Among a series of films designed to cash in on the success of Hitchcock 's Psycho ( 1960 ) , for example , was Seth Holt 's The Nanny ( 1965 ) , made with the visual flair of his earlier Hammer picture , Taste of Fear ( 1961 ) , and telling the powerful tale of two sisters , both dependent in their own way on the woman who brought them up , who pay no attention to the declarations of their son and nephew that it was nanny who killed his sister and now wants to kill him .
16 However , although this is in a manner so , ‘ rationality ’ in a more usual sense refers to the particular sort of rationality distinctive of human beings , by which they participate in their own way in the ultimate rationality of the universe . )
17 I think the teachers did influence me a lot in their own enthusiasm for the subject ; it seemed to rub off on me , you know ; whenever they taught me something , a new concept or something , I 'd come away feeling enlightened by it , and wanting to know more , just this curiosity for more knowledge .
18 So too does its preoccupation with the shadow of death , looming in their own generation for the first time .
19 There was only one topic , it would seem , in the staging-posts they passed on their way , in the halls of Kineth of Angus and Gillocher of Mar , of Malpedar of Buchan and of Morgund of Moray , before the fires of Hlodver at Dingwall and Odalric of Caithness , and finally at Birsay in their own hall on the shore , with Otkel leaning forward asking questions , and Thorkel Fóstri and Killer-Bardi and the rest sitting silent , listening , with the Earl 's sons and his wife .
20 Magnetos are overhauled in their own segment of the CFS facility .
21 The fog continued to enclose them in their own world for the whole of the next day , deadening all sound outside so that it seemed as if everything was hushed and waiting .
22 Teachers of the Alexander technique , concerned about total body posture , become very aware in their own training of the way we hold feelings in our bodies .
23 Well over 20,000 people have already been encouraged to invest some £53 million in their own training with the benefit of those loans .
24 Women who have worked all their adult lives and paid full Class 1 contributions should get a full basic pension in their own right at the age of 60 .
25 ( a ) Hereditary Peers and Peeresses in their own right of the United Kingdom including : ( i ) Holders of titles created in the peerage of England before Union with Scotland in 1707. ( ii ) Holders of titles created in the peerage of Great Britain .
26 He reckons there are no shortages of possible uses — farmers can use it to do their accounts , women with child-care responsibilities can work in their own time on the word processors , publicity material for local craftsmen can be produced and so on .
27 Whereas-it was common in their own time for the Teddy Boys to be contrasted with a nostalgically remembered state of pre-existing harmony ‘ twenty years ago ’ or ‘ before the war ’ , given the real horror which greeted their arrival we can perhaps only marvel at the way in which the nostalgic trick of amnesia can now work in the Teds ' favour .
28 This type of program can be used by the individual during lesson time or borrowed to be used in their own time in the school library .
29 We were able to make contact with Christians from several of the churches and to offer them the possibility of ordering books in their own language via the Christian Literature Crusade in the appropriate countries .
30 She became a wealthy and , in her own part of the world , a famous woman — perhaps the only wet-nurse in history to have a place named alter her : the Wiltshire parish of Knoyle Hodierne .
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