Example sentences of "in [pron] [adj] [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 For the purpose of this investigation , we studied those patients with a biopsy proven adenocarcinoma of the distal tubular oesophagus , in whom columnar epithelium of the oesophagus above the carcinoma was visible macroscopically at endoscopy , meeting the above definition of Barrett 's oesophagus .
2 In the first three months , three thousand miles , that does n't tend to happen in fairness erm and something like that would come up erm within that time scale , so , yes , I mean they have the right to go back to the dealer and I must admit in my overall view of the motor trade these days they do they are trying harder and harder to look after their customers because obviously they 're in business like everybody else , they know that their policy holders are covered by the Sale of Goods Act merchantable quality , erm and so they realize that if these things happen then they will endeavour to put the situation right .
3 Nowhere so far in my limited knowledge of the pair has evidence of shorthand materialised — ; although at law he may have had some awareness of the skill .
4 Certainly nothing happened in my personal experience in the last six or so months to make me change my mind about Labour unelectability .
5 ‘ I was deafened in my right ear by the noise , ’ he said .
6 It was against this background that Peter Thompson , the chief executive of NFC , together with his chairman , Bobby Lawrence , came to see me in my small office on the Cabinet floor of the House of Commons on 18 May 1981 .
7 In my annual report to the Authority in May 1988 — and ILEA is the only LEA which receives an annual report from its Chief Inspector — I commented on the implementation of the ISS curriculum proposals , that in years four and five science should be compulsory ; at least one arts course should be followed ; and a technical subject should be a compulsory option .
8 But I have never seen such a total lack of staff discipline in my entire career in the hotel business .
9 I have changed enough now to be shocked by the ease with which I let go of my Black identity , situated as it was in my real subordination on the basis of race and class , in exchange for an illusory equality with white men on the sexual plane .
10 I felt a stabbing pain in my caught wing as the one on the top of the pole lunged with his beak at where he saw blood .
11 I maintained the theme of Scottish self-awareness in my presidential address to the Edinburgh Sir Walter Scott Club .
12 Similarly , I will refer only briefly to the statutory sick pay order , which gives effect to the SSP proposals announced in my uprating statement to the House on 21 October .
13 He has reminded me of what I should have said in my supplementary answer to the hon. Member for Pontypridd ( Dr. Howells ) .
14 I have a list here of people in my particular part of the profession who have pledged themselves to assist with the great drive forward for the seventy fifth anniversary .
15 I would like to be in my old home in the Wallowa country .
16 Finally , I should like to express my gratitude to my partner , John Stacey , a lawyer of considerable intellect who , while bearing no responsibility for the contents of this work , first introduced me to commercial conveyancing and has since played no little part in my continuing education in the subject .
17 Judging by the amount of Kodak film expended by watching tourists in the seconds it took the train to cross the viaduct , I was alone in my seething contempt for the caviar wagon .
18 This is partly evident in my initial example of the " backward-looking " function of the deictic element 'shin " d " ( line 2 ) , but lyric poetry is also a genre where such referents are continually introduced .
19 The ‘ funny ’ Hearnes were all related , a fact which is clarified in my forthcoming book on the family which I hope will be published in autumn 1993 and will also dispel several other myths about this numerous band of cricketers .
20 On 8 August Franco signed a law vesting in himself total power over the administration of the state .
21 The laws of war emerged in their modern form from the last part of the nineteenth century .
22 This point was made by one commentator during the first review of the ‘ Probation System ’ at the beginning of this century : his comments remain pertinent for the Home Office in their current review at the end of the century .
23 STEPHEN HENDRY , brimming with confidence after beating Steve Davis in the final of the Stormseal UK Snooker Open , inflicted an 8-0 session whitewash on Terry Griffiths before beating him 9-3 in their best-of-17-frame quarter-final of the Everest World Matchplay Championship at Brentwood yesterday .
24 The Waughs came a 5 & 3 cropper in their third-round match against the Boyds , of The Berkshire .
25 Two inquiries with such machinery available to them , namely , that of the Law Commission and the Scottish Law Commission , in their Joint Report on the Interpretation of Statutes ( 1969 ) ( Law Com .
26 The Law Commissions of England and Scotland in their joint Report on the Interpretation of Statutes in 1969 and the Renton Committee on the Preparation of Legislation both recognised that there was much to be said in principle for relaxing the rule but advised against a relaxation at present on the same practical grounds as are reflected in the authorities .
27 Divergent political objectives notwithstanding , the obvious goodwill between Ho and the Americans , the limited but successful training teams that they provided for Vietminh guerrillas , and the obvious sympathy which many Americans — in particular , it seems the OSS — had for the cause of Vietnamese independence , not to mention corresponding doubts of the French title to Vietnam , all of these understandably encouraged the Vietminh in their political objective of the accomplished fact .
28 In their real critique of the old order , they were also , often , both isolated and mocked .
29 And because they , too , are prisoners they detest the convicts , and their children ape their elders and shout ‘ Fascists ! ’ as the zeks walk in their guarded column between the Zone and the Factory .
30 ’ Like Bartok ’ may be the best way to describe the adventurous foreign policy Hungary 's diplomats are making in their noisy ministry on the Buda side of the Danube .
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