Example sentences of "in [pron] [adj] [noun] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 In his unobtrusive way he had shown his interest in my faltering attempts to climb the golfing ladder , and had even carried my bag in the Amateur Championship .
2 This is not what the Suffragettes , and others , envisaged in their heroic struggles to win the vote .
3 ‘ They have declared in their great folly to challenge the conquering force of the modern age .
4 This is n't true , the logging practices were atrocious , and even tribal burial grounds have been uprooted by the loggers , and the number of deaths last year , in 1989 , logging deaths was 94 , because they 're sending loggers up even steep slopes to get the timber than they would normally , so there 's actually a lot of bad practice going on , so we 're hoping to fund Friends of the Earth , Malaysia in their environmental programme to help the indigenous people defend themselves , and therefore the forest better .
5 A distinct picture of Anthea Darnell 's fingernails materialised in Montgomery 's mind , the small defects in their pristine surface reflecting the niggling misgivings he had experienced during the interview .
6 The crop will be examined to ensure that the potatoes have not been altered in any way other than in their new ability to manufacture the lectin protein .
7 Doctors also marched : they knew that the new [ unemployment benefit ] scales meant increased difficulties for them in their desperate efforts to protect the health standards of the people against the ravages of poverty .
8 It should be remembered that the personal representatives of a deceased partner do not in their official capacity have the right to participate in the business of the firm .
9 These programmes may fulfil the hidden agendas of some of their originators but they will not in their present forms fulfil the real educational needs of the future .
10 But on the planet Kembel , Space Security agent Bret Vyon has unearthed evidence that the Daleks plan to attack Earth and acquire the Solar System as the first move in their overall ambition to rule the entire Universe .
11 But in their clumsy efforts to break the steering lock they had broken the steering itself .
12 Examples given in Scott v. Scott [ 1913 ] A.C. 417 include wardship proceedings which might fail in their primary purpose to protect the interests of the ward if they took place public .
13 They persuade golfers to pay out at least $1 billion a year worldwide in their eternal quest to hit the ball farther , straighter , less often .
14 To this day rezadeiras ( old , praying women ) light small candles in their front yards to remind the mystic-priest-saint of the backlands , Frei Damiao , to keep hungry snakes from attacking the community .
15 The Borderers , coached by Jim Telfer , beat Glasgow High/Kelvinside 27–16 at the Greenyards in their final game to win the major championship and hold off Edinburgh Academicals ' challenge , Kelso , relegated last season , moved back up to the first division .
16 The regional TUC in their quarterly review claimed the recent budget did nothing to tackle the problems facing the region .
17 In their initial statement announcing the impending release on April 18 , the IJLP had cited the " urgent appeals " of the Iranian government and " permanent Syrian efforts " .
18 For example , in 1955 Israel allowed the British and US forces to overfly its territory and use its facilities in their respective operations to safeguard the Hashemite monarchy in Jordan and the government in Lebanon , both then threatened by Arab radicalism .
19 The Article 7 argument would have allowed Germany to continue with its opt-out provision for the benefit of employees , but the argument does not imply that countries , such as the UK , which in their national legislation make the transfer compulsory upon both employee and employer , are acting inconsistently with Community law .
20 Section fifty four A makes your local plan structure plans extremely important governors on what happens on the ground and it 's for that underlying reason that we find E two unjustified and reasonably repressive and an unreasonable extension of constraint by the county on the freedom of districts in their local plans to choose the geography of their of land allocations .
21 From 1650 onwards , in partial imitation of Hobbes , a variety of authors managed in their different ways to transform the biblical thesis that civilization reflects a decline from a pristine state of grace into a cynical doctrine which declares that the observed condition of man in society has been superimposed by social restraints or cultural conditioning upon a pre-human condition of animality in which " man " was a solitary brute devoid of any kind of natural humanity .
22 In effect , a ‘ conspiracy of silence ’ still surrounds those northern Protestants who at various times and in their different ways condemned the landlord system , called for a wider franchise , disapproved of religious bigotry , or even sought to break the connection with Britain .
23 Previn and Ashkenazy in their different ways indulge the undulations without worrying unduly about the central axis , which considering rachmaninov 's generic title ‘ Symphonic ’ is perhaps a little too much of a good thing .
24 The constitution helps to shape politics and also regulates public access to , and the behaviour of , the various institutions of the state ( such as the Cabinet , the House of Commons , the civil service , the military , the judiciary , and the police ) that in their different ways have the right to exercise public power , if necessary through the use of physical force , within the United Kingdom .
25 It is also relevant to notice that Horvath and Sankoff ( 1987 ) in their Australian work found the social variables the most difficult to deal with and the linguistic variables ‘ well defined ’ .
26 On the newsreels at the cinema we saw pictures of de Gaulle riding in triumph through the streets , swastikas being torn down , ecstatic Parisiennes in their un-bombed city kissing the troops and giving them flowers .
27 The fleeces from the fell sheep in their natural state produced the hodden cloth , which later became familiar to all in the song about John Peel : ‘ D'ye ken John Peel with his cote swae grey ’ ( Woodcock Graves ) .
28 If the campaigning parents are in the right , then the headteacher is not fit to continue in post and they are actually doing the community a great service in their courageous attempts to expose the truth .
29 Those countries which are least isomorphic in their institutional arrangements have the greatest freedom of movement and choice either way .
30 Also new this spring are two packs of tree notecards in which botanical drawings illustrate the life cycle of four British trees : oak , copper beech , field maple and ash .
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