Example sentences of "in [pron] [art] [noun] for the " in BNC.

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1 For the remaining 20% of patients in whom no cause for the anaemia has been found , careful follow up with monitoring of haemoglobin and red cell indices is required .
2 ‘ And I appeal to employers to look on our ex-service people and see in them the opportunity for the loyal , dedicated , hard-working men and women that they are . ’
3 The understanding of the different ways in which meanings are conveyed is one area in which a vocabulary for the description and analysis of language is essential .
4 This is the only way in which a strategy for the political sphere can be developed .
5 In the original DES document in which the proposals for the schools were outlined the overall aim was said to fit in with the Government 's aims set out in their document Better schools , ‘ to improve standards ’ being the key phrase .
6 Turning to what has been termed the analytical approach to materials in which the reasons for the macroscopically observed behaviour are sought in molecular configurations and other aspects of microstructure , there has been a recent acceleration of research into polymer chain configurations and their modification by stress and deformation .
7 For the District the contribution from Watts was of considerable and immediate significance as Bedfordshire was the only county in the region in which the template for the proposed rural areas scheme had been at least partially developed .
8 Ten years in which the battles for the film 's production and the sanity of its maker began to resemble John Milius ' script , an update of Joseph Conrad 's Heart Of Darkness .
9 For this we used the EGRET software , in which the formula for the χ 2 test for trend in stratified and unstratified analysis was taken from Breslow and Day .
10 None of these military and diplomatic successes for Charles V was in itself a reason for the renewal of war in 1369 , though they strengthened his hand and were an indispensable preparation for the war which Charles believed would eventually reopen .
11 Maybe , briefly , he had awakened in her a craving for the wild , the dangerous , the forbidden , but whatever had happened later had cured her of that .
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