Example sentences of "in [pron] [pron] [verb] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Of concern , a third of the patients in whom we reached a diagnosis were subject to some form of child abuse : suffocation in 18 and fabrication of the history and physiological data in seven .
2 Basically communication is said to occur when a person ( the sender ) has a message which he sends in a particular medium , so that it is received by a recipient in whom it produces a response , followed by feedback to the sender ( Fig. 7.1 ) .
3 My creature , my invention , in whom I instilled the gift of life , escaped from my care .
4 Television series such as ‘ Colditz ’ and ‘ Planet of the Apes ’ , serve as a ready source of knowledge for the conventions of their games and in them we see the deployment of a rhetoric from which the pupils ' associated theory of schooling can be inferred .
5 In them you carry the anger of Kraal and the cunning of Woil and the wisdom of Minch .
6 ‘ Now raise your wings , my dearest friend , ’ whispered Slorne , ‘ and be proud , for in them you carry the hopes of all of us .
7 Indeed it is unusual to find a fresh case of genital herpes in someone who has a history of cold sores , although it does occur in some cases .
8 And it 's not just in this country that memories of a Britain in which everyone wore a vest , ate toasted crumpets for tea and never went out without a hat that these programmes are appreciated .
9 This is a collective ritual in which everyone plays a part .
10 Of even greater consequence , the participation of adolescents in society was of special interest in the latter part of the War when ‘ reconstruction ’ promised both efficiency and a liberal , social democracy in which everyone had a part to play .
11 I thought that Basil appreciated more than most the essential magic of the child 's experience of the world and the expression of this in art — not that he ever said this , but his own manner as a teacher always implied that this was a special , essentially elevated kind of activity — but one in which everyone had the capacity to join .
12 We 've gone from a more-or-less carefree kind of life of our twenties , in which the car , the flat and the girlfriend/ boyfriend were about the only real constituents — to a world in which everyone wants a piece of our time , in which we have to make decisions ( fundamental , trivial , pregnant with import ) every three minutes .
13 Protagoras ' reply to this is to contend that political wisdom is not a matter of specialized knowledge , but something in which everyone has a share , and in which it is necessary that everyone has a share , " Otherwise the state could not exist " .
14 Order effects was the least common of the main content areas as the order in which the adjectives were mentioned seemed unlikely to affect the way in which somebody judged the merits of a person .
15 Our regular ‘ In Conversation ’ interviews with many of today 's most successful artists have proved popular for the way in which they reveal the ideas and working methods of professional artists .
16 Yadav and Pope ( 1992b ) considered the suggestion that , when the index is rising , market makers will run down their holdings of the shares in which they make a market , and when the index is falling they will increase their holding of such shares .
17 Ruth Merttens and Jeffrey Vass ( 1987 ) in an article headed ‘ Parents in schools : raising money or standards ? ’ discussed ways in which they structured the involvement of parents with their children 's learning of mathematics and Boland and Simmons ( 1987 ) describe ways in which they altered parents ' and children 's attitudes to reading .
18 Causation in defective product cases works on the basis of showing that the goods were intended to reach the consumer in the form in which they left the manufacturer ( alternative cause ) and that there was no reasonable possibility of intermediate examination .
19 They know that , unless I am very fortunate , the only chance I 'll have to catch them is the moment in which they take the ransom , and they know equally well that you wo n't risk your daughter 's life by telling me where that 's going to happen .
20 Brower then offered viceroys to both classes of jays and recorded the number of trials in which they avoided the butterflies or pecked at them ; the numbers in the Table give her results .
21 Already , in expectation , the four archbishops had produced a pastoral letter in which they condemned the legalizing of divorce on the grounds of the preservation of ‘ the common good ’ and because they feared the tendency that people had to accept as right that which was legally permissible ( Irish Episcopal Conference 1985 ) .
22 There was speculation in December that the government was contemplating re-opening a dialogue with the Basque armed movement ETA after the Interior Ministry released to the press transcripts of two ETA prisoners ' conversations in which they condemned the use of violence .
23 With the Maccabees we feel on the threshold of a new epoch , the end of tolerance and the beginning of persecution , and naturally we want to know both what brought about this change and how the protagonists saw the events in which they played a part .
24 Some people literally develop another life in which they display a side of themselves that would shock their pupils as much as their colleagues if they were to find out .
25 Apart from calling Blum ‘ the most dangerous man in Indo-China ’ de Lattre complained of all the ‘ missionary young men ’ the US was sending to Vietnam , of the way in which they undermined the idea of the French Union and , as he obviously had time to read the reports as soon as they were sent , he objected strenuously and in person to US correspondents who did not share his more exalted view of France 's mission in Indo-China .
26 However , the committee went further and tabled a motion for next month 's full council meeting in which they attacked the motives behind the original motion tabled by newly-elected Tory councillor Philip Vanner .
27 This requires an investigation of the way in which they perceive the context of the interaction and the manner , appearance and actions of others .
28 This control depends crucially on the way in which they perceive the world including the alternatives to the use of force which they can comprehend and accept .
29 Two of these scholars , Edward Foxe and Thomas Cranmer , who were both members of Anne Boleyn 's faction at court , were responsible for drawing up a document called the Collectanea satis copiosa , in which they advanced a claim of imperial sovereignty for the English monarchy .
30 In every detail , the proposals are exactly those made by the African National Congress in a document released in August in which they list the conditions necessary to create the climate for negotiations .
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