Example sentences of "in [pron] [noun] be [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Someone in my hairdressers were talking about it .
2 The teachers tried to put life into our lessons and some of the people in my form were trying to be funny as well .
3 For several years every drawer in my house was bulging with soaps . ’
4 This stands in marked contrast to the emphasis on parental responsibility in recent child-care law developments , although it must be acknowledged that in extending parental rights in education the government has been keen to stress the duty of parents to involve themselves in their child 's schooling in various ( often ‘ consumerist ’ ) ways .
5 Thus , in a study by Abel-Smith and Townsend ( 1965 ) , a third of the poor were the aged , and almost half the old-age pensioners in their study were living below the poverty line .
6 And I 'm quite sure that a major factor in their recovery is going to be knowing that their children are happy , and being well cared for . ’
7 Mr MacMullen says : ‘ He is very much a Thatcher loyalist and it is an open secret that he is n't happy with the way in which things are going under John Major .
8 Sitting at peace with his ailing woman , tenderly responsive , he imagined his mouth curved in a mysterious smile ‘ like that of Rembrandt himself in his self-portrait in which Saskia is sitting on his knee and he has a glass of wine in his hand . ’
9 The controversy revolves around the direction in which Russia was developing before August 1914 .
10 Seeing the couple 's arrival and the manner in which Madeleine was clinging to Harry 's arm as they left the car , he persuaded his friend up to his bedroom on the grounds that he must want a wash and brush-up after the long journey .
11 We need greater co-operation in Europe in these matters , because immigration and asylum flows are a major political concern , as we have just noted from the exchanges about Le Pen and the way in which people are feeding upon his visit .
12 However the fact that patients are receiving what is billed a revolutionary treatment , combined with the close medical supervision entailed , and weekly monitoring of blood samples , may well disguise a ‘ Hawthorne ’ effect , in which patients are responding to the process , rather than the drug ( Healy , 1993 ) .
13 Signs of improvement in some international markets , as well as sterling 's devaluation , could provide some help for the full year in which analysts are looking for profits of around £45m .
14 This is hardly surprising , since its gestation period comprised the years in which Eliot was working on the Notes .
15 The decline of community and the rise of a society in which association was becoming in some sense secondary can also be seen as reflecting some of the profound social and spatial changes that were actually taking place in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries .
16 The development of such trading centres is only relevant here in as far as they point to the direction in which economy was evolving in the sixth and seventh centuries .
17 ‘ As you can see , I 've just come out of the bath , ’ Shae said , striving to remain polite , when every instinct in her soul was screaming at her to send the actress running with her tail between her legs .
18 Plans for their future brought them into political contact with enemies of the ninth electorate which led first to the secret murder of Königsmarck in 1694 , with the connivance of Ernst August , and later to Sophia Dorothea 's confinement in her father 's keeping at the palace of Ahlden , following her divorce from Georg Ludwig in 1694 , which carried the rider that she could not remarry .
19 Every sense , every nerve-ending in her body was tingling with sudden awareness .
20 Raskolnikov turns to Sonya ; ‘ it was to her , Sonya , that he first went with his confession ; when he felt the need of a human being , he sought the human being in her ’ — which does indeed isolate for a moment , and emphasize , the mystic business of his alienation from the human family ; and for this moment the dross ( as it were ) of Sonya and of Raskolnikov is withheld ; the god in his humanity is looking for the god in hers .
21 ‘ There is no need for sadness or shame , Kraal ! ’ were the words he spoke , not knowing where the thoughts in his mind were coming from .
22 He remembers , too , seeing a crumpled letter in his mother 's writing in the wastebin later that day .
23 A short , stocky middle-aged man with thinning brown hair , a ruddy face and a twinkle in his eyes was standing at the doorway eyeing him .
24 Both his feet in his wellies were squelchin' like jellies
25 If the power is accidentally turned off in use or the power source runs out , the user 's place is kept automatically in whatever application is running at the time .
26 I was interested in what people were saying about differences between feminism in the Western world and the Third World because I think Ireland epitomises that very well .
27 Who in our firm is going to be responsible for deciding how to make the most of the Single Market ?
28 Since the firm in our example is operating under conditions of perfect competition , in which price equals marginal revenue , we can write unc where P is the price of the product .
29 You ca n't the most difficult situation in in our job is coping with an incompetent buyer or scheduler .
30 I tell you , I 'm not giving you a penny more for clothes , I 'm not paying for any driving lessons when you 're seventeen , I 'm not shelling out for another disco , I 'm not giving you another lift to a party that everyone else in your year 's going to and you 'd be a freak if you missed it .
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