Example sentences of "in [pron] [noun] [prep] the first " in BNC.

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1 The voices of Surkov and Rozanov on tape , played over and over in my study in the first year or so after our meeting , had brought their living presence to me ; but later , as those tapes were discarded in favour of over-scrawled typewritten pages , Surkov and Rozanov increasingly became characters under my control , their improvisations almost lost under the refinements of a thousand and one nights ( and days ) of my own labour .
2 ARSENAL 'S rent-a-crowd will assist the team in their battle for the first Premier League title .
3 After the punchline had been delivered and the ensuing laughter had died away , the blonde swayed away from the bar and looked in their direction for the first time .
4 It is expressed in their myth of the first human child , or " adam " .
5 They gave away very little about themselves in their choice of the first Christmas presents .
6 South Korean electronics companies have revised upwards their export targets for this year , encouraged by a surge in their shipments during the first quarter of this year : Samsung Electronics Co Ltd said it had raised its export target to $6,200m from its original target of $5,800m , and from $4,700m last year ; Goldstar Co Ltd said it would be able to export $3,400m this year , up from its previous target of $3,200m and the $2,570m last year ; Daewoo Electronics Co Ltd says it sees a smaller increase .
7 The audience were in their seats for the first of the two evening performances .
8 Each of the five Wedgwood Rooms had scored the biggest percentage sales increase in their region for the first quarter of 1992 .
9 EXPLORER Sir Ranulph Fiennes and companion Dr Michael Stroud were almost halfway to the South Pole yesterday in their attempt at the first unaided crossing of Antarctica .
10 Belinda Jones , ’ the owner of the name said simply , and waited while Dr Russell 's sister seemed to fully take in her presence for the first time .
11 Mrs Beveridge cared for Leanne 's two children in her home for the first 24 hours of the siege .
12 She made her way to the second floor , her frown deepening as she looked about her , properly taking in her surroundings for the first time .
13 Dancer , however , was warned well in advance that Miss Lodsworth would be holding an All-Rutshire Jamboree in her garden on the first Saturday in September and had promised there would be no stick and balling that afternoon .
14 In her report on the first two years , Ms Costigan said : ‘ The area where they live is a tourist area and on the whole is a very beautiful area , but for the young people who live here it does have its drawbacks . ’
15 Two weeks into the new season Rose Lipman , sitting in her office on the first floor , heard a cry pitched like the squeal of a snared rabbit coming from No.1 dressing-room .
16 The completed cycle was screened in its entirety for the first time at the Venice Festival this autumn .
17 The music ranges from the familiar to the unknown — from an early opera played in its entirety for the first time to a unique performance of The Messiah where you can actually join in the singing .
18 This trailblazing series is currently on show at the National Portrait Gallery in its entirety for the first time since 1935 , together with more conventional colour portraits of John Gielgud , Vivien Leigh , the Mountbattens and Lisa Maugham , and black-and-white work from the later years .
19 This material has recently ( 1978 ) been published in its entirety for the first time , but many problems remain unsolved — or insoluble .
20 The selector switch is a three-way Strat-type , perhaps slower to operate than a toggle-switch , but not too hard to reach in its position beneath the first volume knob .
21 Sir Peter Holmes , Shell 's chairman who admitted that he was ‘ astonished ’ to discover that the irregularities had occurred through an associate company failing to follow strict rules against speculative dealing , said that he expected any further exposure to be limited to a £65 million charge which the company would take in its accounts for the first quarter of 1993 .
22 It originated probably with St Bernard in the late 1140s or early 1150s in his address to the first Cistercian pope , Eugenius III , whom he calls " vicar " and " vicar of Christ " , but it had only been employed domestically within papal circles before Innocent 's time .
23 In this connection it is interesting to go back to William Smith , the father of stratigraphy , and to find him commenting in his memoir to the first geological map in 1815 : " The edges of the strata … are called their outcrops ; and the under edge of every stratum , being the top of the next , and that being generally the best defined , is represented by the fullest part of each colour " .
24 He revealed that more than 100 people were hurt in 81 accidents in his county in the first eight months of this year .
25 I should n't have been in his study in the first place .
26 For the purpose of answering the second part of the question he should state that he is assuming that he is wrong in his answer to the first .
27 In his letters to Gundobad , in some of his sermons , and in his versification of the first two books of the Bible , he showed himself to be a reasonable theologian .
28 So only six pounds a month is actually going to get invested in his fund in the first four years .
29 In his speeches of the first two books Satan shows a tremendous vigour , a responsibility to his followers , an impenetrable spirit , heroic determination never to be weak and inactive and an attractive charm and sophistication in his poetic and commanding words .
30 Walking from the taxi to his apartment , Ross had felt the sting and throb in his face for the first time .
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