Example sentences of "in [verb] [adv prt] the [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Leaving this setting and changing to a role where qualitative evaluation is more relevant and personal effectiveness in bringing about the desired changes can be more easily assessed can be stressful .
2 The role of natural selection in bringing about the gross changes in the evolution of animals is thus brought into question .
3 The government , indeed , had made careful preparations , both in conserving fuel stocks and protecting the power network with the aid of other European nations , and also in building up the co-ordinating powers of the police nationally to deal with mass picketing .
4 So I am encouraged in my perhaps natural naïveté , I am encouraged to be simpliste , by my knowledge of the value of complication in fogging up the real issues in politics .
5 If you experience difficulty in picking out the individual knots , use a magnifying glass .
6 And , of course , you should also be prepared to spend a good deal of time in looking out the everyday facts as well , those bustles and bonnets and antimacassars and plush tablecloths .
7 The mass demonstrations of the first year are rare these days and the army and Shin Bet security service have been chalking up success after bloody success in hunting down the masked youths who throw petrol bombs and kill collaborators .
8 The mass demonstrations of the first year are rare these days and the army and Shin Bet security service have been chalking up success after bloody success in hunting down the masked youths who throw petrol bombs and kill collaborators .
9 There is no doubt that this work has been enormously fruitful in pointing out the detailed strategies and rhetorical manoeuvres involved in the expression of racism .
10 A strong sense of regional identity characterises the Boards and has undoubtedly assisted in breaking down the traditional divisions between capital and labour .
11 However , he was quite correct in assuming she would not contact the person who had phoned her until she was sure he was well out of the way , so she set to work in sorting out the various tasks to be done .
12 Perhaps some forgiving souls might protest that former East German athletes had faced a particular difficulty in giving up the bad habits imposed on them by the success-seeking machine of the old Communist regime , and that it would be unfair virtually to close off their future just because they had n't yet properly learned another way of doing things .
13 Figure 4.3 shows the trend in voting across the six ballots in all the NUM 's Areas ( i.e. excluding the Cokemen , and Colliery Officials and Staff , both of which vote ‘ nationally ’ , plus the Durham and Northumberland Mechanics and the Scottish Craftsmen ) .
14 Slovenia in Milk Race CYCLING : Yugoslavia , who last competed in the Milk Race 30 years ago , will be represented by the breakaway state of Slovenia , which has joined the Commonwealth of Independent States in taking up the last places in a record field of 18 teams .
15 Our ignorance of the methods makes if difficult to establish accurate estimates of the effort involved in carrying out the various tasks ; we may at least gain some idea of the order of magnitude of the work .
16 ‘ this approach is in accord with the approach of the general law of principal and agent in relation to fraudulent misrepresentations made by an agent in carrying out the specific instructions of his principal .
17 made clear , this approach is in accord with the approach of the general law of principal and agent in relation to fraudulent misrepresentations made by an agent in carrying out the specific instructions of his principal .
18 Intellectual processes are involved in learning about maintaining a safe environment and in carrying out the many activities involved .
19 — who are taking the lead in setting up the new Divisions — are now starting discussions , where necessary backed by targeted groups to take our thinking forward .
20 She has served as a student counsellor with the Education and Training Department and as deputy director of practice regulation she played a major role in setting up the new regulations for financial services business and audit .
21 The purpose of the visit was three-fold : to guide the CII in setting up the right systems for quality management training in India ; to organise a one-day workshop for the benefit of a group of senior managers on the theme of ‘ Total Quality Management : How to Make it Happen in India ’ ; to present two papers at the World Congress on Total Quality .
22 To Abbott and Hornsby were added the names of Captain Lawrence , with whom Wilson had been associated in the formation of the Certificated Officers ' Union , Maurice Darby , the originator of the first Glasgow branch who was alleged to have gone over to the Shipping Federation in 1890 , Robert Pleasance , former secretary of the Tower Hill branch who had been expelled from the union in the same year , and a Thomas Carey , an official of the NSFU discharged for unsatisfactory conduct in 1911 who , Wilson claimed , immediately became involved with the Federation and , while still in its pay , assisted Lewis in setting up the British Seafarers ' Union .
23 This would normally be the position under current standard policies but there is no harm in setting out the principal risks .
24 In summing up the wet-weather skills of the South Sea Islanders , American journalist Ed Hagerty put it better than anyone , ‘ It seems to rain for everyone except Fiji ’ .
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