Example sentences of "in [noun] [to-vb] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He plans to stay in Sheffield to compete on the first day of the UK Championships today then concentrate on training , his Olympic place assured without having to jump in the trials in Birmingham on June 27–28 , in which he 'll confine himself to an outing in the 100 metres .
2 Just as ideas of precedence between states could be adjusted in practice to cope with the growing importance of the Dutch republic or Savoy , so governments which really wanted to negotiate could always find ways of doing so which side- stepped difficulties of ceremonial and procedure .
3 The US National Aeronautics and Space Administration ( NASA ) has expanded the length and scope of its mission in December to cope with the growing list of faults on the Hubble Space Telescope .
4 Being trapped by such circumstances may well increase the individual 's likelihood of suffering a psychiatric disorder , because , by definition , they would become unable or restricted in capacity to deal with the developing difficulties .
5 In 1706 Gwynne blundered badly once more in permitting his name to be subscribed to a paper written by the philosopher Leibniz , in support of moves in England to invite over the Hanoverian heir presumptive to the throne , published in the form of an open Letter to Lord Stamford , the effect of which was to alienate both Queen Anne and the Electress Sophia .
6 Also on Wednesday , Jamaican women 's theatre group Sistren bring their show , Buss Out , to Warwick Arts Centre in Coventry to round off the Midlands-based Kajoyo festival of black theatre before touring to Nottingham , Brixton and Cardiff .
7 The BDA 's involvement in Europe is from a historical point of view likely to be seen in years to come as the finest achievement of the last few years .
8 By the law of primitive socialist accumulation we mean the entire sum of conscious and semi-spontaneous tendencies in the state economy which are directed towards the expansion and consolidation of the collective organisation of labour in Soviet economy and which are dictated to the Soviet state on the basis of necessity : ( 1 ) the determination of proportions in the distribution of productive forces , formed on the basis of struggle against the law of value inside and outside the country and having as their objective task the achievement of the optimum expanded socialist reproduction in the given conditions and of the maximum defensive capacity of the whole system in conflict with capitalist commodity production ; ( 2 ) the determination of the proportions of accumulation of material resources for expanded reproduction , especially at the expense of private economy , in so far as the determined amounts of the accumulation are dictated compulsorily to the Soviet state under threat of economic disproportion , growth of private capital , weakening of the bond between the state economy and peasant production , derangement in years to come of the necessary proportions of expanded socialist reproduction and weakening of the whole system in its conflict with capitalist commodity production inside and outside the country .
9 I will certainly look with compassion in days to come on the three hon. Members whom I have not been able to call on the statement , but we have a busy day ahead of us .
10 Meanwhile down in SoHo to coincide with the Soviet Avant-garde show at the Guggenheim , Rosa Esman has accumulated ‘ The Great Experiment : art and design of the Russian Avant-garde ’ .
11 Teams went out in advance to adapt to the special conditions .
12 AN Edinburgh independent boys ' school has become the first in Britain to plug into the French government 's prestigious new technology learning centre .
13 Canadian labour education is by no means a model of good practice , but if it is possible for unions with far weaker traditions of political affiliation and shopfloor militancy than in Britain to stray beyond the circumscribed perimeters of the workplace in their training , then it is harder still to accept the myopic parochialism of much current British practice .
14 We must draw careful lessons from it — about the necessity for collective action and for creating new institutions in Europe to deal with the new conflicts that may spring up in our continent .
15 No matter what your business commitments , it is far more sensible to have one day at home in bed to recover from the worst of the virus than to struggle in to work , extending the recuperation period enormously and giving the virus to everyone else .
16 The object was to use spare printing capacity in Manchester to compete with the London-based Sun , which the Star was therefore designed to resemble extremely closely .
17 Survival will be the name of the game on Sunday … when the country 's top triathletes arrive in Aylesbury to compete in the British Sprint Championships …
18 The ruling Serbian Communist Party , a republican section of the LCY , voted on July 17 at the end of a two-day convention in Belgrade to combine with the pro-communist Socialist Alliance umbrella group in forming a new political party , to be known as the Serbian Socialist Party ; the name change did not indicate any substantive change in the party 's hitherto hardline communist policy , but rather a formal acknowledgement of the continuing trend in Eastern Europe away from the old-style communist parties .
19 ITHINK if we are ever to see grand hokum in the Mac marketplace we 'll see it in the months ahead , as the M-word — multimedia — becomes the in thing to discuss in the 1990s .
20 We have a steady flow of new developments in hand to compensate for the declining production from our older North Sea fields , notably Forties ( BP : 83.1% ) and Clyde ( BP : 51% ) .
21 THE Delors Discount Deli is being set up by the Consumers Association in Edinburgh to coincide with the European Community Summit .
22 Colleges wishing to participate were asked to indicate their intention by submitting a ‘ Request for Approval in Principle to Participate in the 1989 Pilot Programme ’ ( Form HN1 ) .
23 While he was there Nagybanya Horthy , the dictator of Hungary , moved closer to the Axis powers and a ‘ New Democratic Hungarian Government ’ , led by Count Michael Karolyi , was formed in London to fight alongside the Western Allies .
24 The number of Council Tax administrative staff below Senior Assistant level have been arrived at in total by examining the Community Charge case load per member of staff , projecting this on the basis of estimated case load for Council Tax and increasing this by 20% in order to deal with the personal elements of Council Tax , which were previously dealt with by the Community Charge Registration Officer .
25 But there is no need to revert to these basic objections to functionalism in order to deal with the specific question of the functions of crime .
26 In order to deal with the latter , all carry with them a book of fixedpenalty tickets .
27 In order to deal with the first question , we need to begin with considering in what circumstances a modus of any kind , public or private , might be enforced .
28 The " battle of the plans " became public and dramatic from mid-June , with Yavlinsky presenting his proposals on June 17 to Gorbachev , to the Russian Republic president Boris Yeltsin and to the Khazakstan president Nursultan Nazarbayev , while on the same day Pavlov in remarks to the USSR Supreme Soviet ridiculed the " grand bargain " and called for wider executive powers for the Soviet Council of Ministers in order to deal with the economic crisis .
29 The head porter needs to have an exceptional memory for names and faces , and be a fountain of knowledge in order to deal with the numerous enquiries of the guests .
30 They cover mainly the period since 1950 in order to allow for the full return to peacetime economic conditions which occurred largely during the reconstruction period after 1945 .
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