Example sentences of "in [noun] [adj] [is] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Collateral is something purely nominal : clothes given as a pledge must be returned at night in case that is the person 's only possession .
2 Underlying the offences now found in Part III is the assumption that a serious threat to public order is inherent in certain forms of expression .
3 Most encouraging for the bookseller is the buoyant hardback market for genre titles : in part this is a result of the continuing proliferation of series which leave the poor punter desperate for the next instalment and willing to fork out the extra few bob for the hardcover .
4 In part this is a complaint about the inferior service these establishments offer .
5 In part this is a consequence of differences in the habitual requirements of different species ; more than 82 per cent of the individuals belong to species whose larvae prey on aphids , whereas only 0–02 per cent belong to species that feed as larvae on tree sap or rotting wood , neither of which are a feature of gardens .
6 In South-east England , some streams on chalk flow less than they used to do ; in part this is the result of abstraction .
7 In part this is the result of photosynthesis which is pumping oxygen into solution but again primarily it 's down to the physical saturation due to breaking waves and air bubbles being mixed in to the system .
8 The cyclical process shown in Figure 9.1 is an adaptation of decision-making models that economists have used to maximise the utility obtained from the use of scarce resources ( see for example , Haynes , 1980 , Chapter 4 ) .
9 The system shown in Figure 7 is an illustration of the sort of system that needs to be designed to regulate ecologically urban-industrial systems .
10 In Keynesian theory the direction of causation is reversed : the fall in the real wage rate depicted in Figure 5.5 is the consequence , not the cause , of the rise in output .
11 In essence this is the answer of what is called the Copenhagen Interpretation .
12 The make or buy decision approach described in Chapter 7 is an example of a structure designed for a specific purpose to ensure that a series of related questions are asked and answered in the same ordered sequence by everyone .
13 Bearing in mind this is the world 's
14 In effect this is the totality of its Rules of Conduct which are issued separately .
15 Intermediate between the life estate and the estate in fee simple is the estate tail .
16 And then we come to the sixth race which is the eight forty five , well I 'm going to go for Angie Baby here in trap three , she 's erm a little bit of a kidder but she might have the legs of these , as long as something leads her , she 'll come and erm try and do them on the line , so it 's Angie Baby for me there , erm Ruby Blue in trap six is a danger .
17 In Britain this is a ground nesting bird of the open country , and there is no record of it entering caves , but like the snowy owl it could have altered its behaviour during colder stages of the Pleistocene .
18 At the centre of the action in Joshua 6 is the ark , the Israelites ' most sacred object of all , the box containing the stone tablets with the Ten Commandments inscribed upon them , the box upon which , so they believed , their God was invisibly enthroned .
19 He pinched a car in Italy this is a Ferrari
20 The single most contentious issue contained in Project 2000 is the cessation of preparation of new enrolled nurses .
21 The placement in Year III is an opportunity to practise new skills and learn how people in employment use and develop computer systems .
22 The first example shown in fig 1 is the intro from the track Voodoo Kiss .
23 The lowest level of style in Fig 4.3 is the choice of graphological realizations of a given syntactic form .
24 In fact this is a year when we 're spending for the next adoptions .
25 In fact this is a debit side to the food intake .
26 In fact this is a catalogue for the specialist who already has a knowledge of the subject , rather than someone approaching the art for the first time .
27 Now we have erm in fact this is an exception .
28 Barthes is careful to point out that though the encratic discourse posits itself as natural , in fact this is an illusion , a necessary camouflage of its own systematicity ( 1984:128–9 ) .
29 but I wonder if in fact this is the case .
30 In fact this is the case because Christianity does not teach , " Thou shalt put thyself first " .
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