Example sentences of "in [art] [adj] [noun] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Of 133 battalions of infantry in the Spanish army in 1751 twenty-eight were composed of foreigners ; and it was seriously proposed in that year to raise twenty more abroad .
2 Some segregated services were described in the SAD document on Innovative Services ( 1986 ) and in SWSDG ( 1984 ) .
3 This week , in the sad aftermath of one party too many , it 's a rather tired and emotional litany of crimes and misdemeanours that we have to recount for your delectation .
4 This led to Gibson being seconded in 1928 to work with Michels on the properties of gases at high pressures , and to ICI becoming interested in the chemical effects of high pressures , the theme of Gibson 's work on his return to Winnington in 1931 .
5 Ideals are not formed in an aseptic vacuum , but in the chemical brew of interacting personal lives and events .
6 It provides key statistics on safety matters and concentrates on details of the fatal , major and over three day injuries to employees in the chemical industry between 1981 and 1988–89 .
7 71 Brinsden J. in the Supreme Court of Western Australia also followed the Bognor Regis case in an action for libel by a non-trading corporation with a ‘ religious ’ reputation .
8 An added factor of uncertainty also arose from election petitions filed in the Supreme Court against 11 of the successful candidates .
9 The wit and elegance of the Glyndebourne production with its sets by Maurice Sendak may be missing , but there is ample compensation in the sheer exuberance of this entertainment with its riproaring belly-laughs .
10 ‘ Like many secondary schools , we 're seeing an enormous change in the upper school population — both in the sheer numbers of those staying on , and in the type of students we have .
11 The valley of the upper Lugg is a tree-clad grove in the rounded mountains of that part of Wales still known to its inhabitants as Radnorshire .
12 The amount of attrition can be readily observed in the rounded nature of many cliffs below the high tide level and in the rounding of the beach material itself .
13 As far as the eye could see the earth was brown : there were white pockets of unmelted snow , and sombre green pine thickets on the ridges , but no leaves on the deciduous trees and no bright green shoots in the withered remains of last year 's grass .
14 When offered a post in the Labour government of 1964 she refused , saying that she could do more fighting for the government in Liverpool .
15 On Aug. 27 Lord Owen ( who as David Owen had been UK Foreign Secretary in the Labour government in 1977-79 and subsequently a founder and then leader of the Social Democratic Party ) was named as Carrington 's successor .
16 According to the Mail , ‘ the Militant Tendency is poised to regain its power in the Labour movement by seizing control of the biggest civil service union ’ , the union being the CPSA .
17 An undoubted improvement in the legal position of many occupiers , as a consequence of Street v Mountford , has not been translated into socio-economic reality .
18 Pressure group The Forum of Private Businesses has called for a radical change in the legal structure of small firms .
19 The " fair comment " defence is defeated by proof that the writer or publisher was actuated by malice , in the legal sense of that term .
20 But this point is already clearly recognized in the legal framework through such elements as the block exemptions .
21 Earlier chapters have drawn out some of the consequences of this peculiarity ; this one turns to procedural matters , and to the way in which the involvement of third parties , once an obstacle to the legal recognition of trusts , was turned into a virtue and one of their greatest strengths in the legal enforcement of testamentary dispositions .
22 The role of police discretion in the legal processing of domestic violence
23 It is clear that the ‘ costs charges and expenses ’ referred to both in the legal mortgage of 18 February 1985 ( which may be taken as typical of all the mortgage deeds ) and in the guarantee and debenture of 6 June 1985 may include both costs charges and expenses of or incidental to litigation ( which we will for convenience refer to as ‘ litigation costs ’ ) and costs , charges and expenses incurred otherwise than in connection with litigation ( ‘ non-litigation costs ’ ) .
24 But a victory by Elliott in the final event of General Portfolio 's grandly mis-named Mile of Miles series was all that mattered to selectors three days after they chose him ahead of Cram for the Commonwealth Games .
25 • Next week in the final part of this series , Tricon assesses the long-term future for the Valley Hotel .
26 It is suggested in the final part of this chapter that a different approach to education management is possible .
27 We will turn a more critical eye to the assumptions and propositions of this model in the final part of this chapter .
28 The rise of unemployment up to 1986 raises many questions about the distribution of income in society , which we shall consider in the final part of this chapter .
29 One local education authority , which gives all children a written test in the final year of junior school ( 10+ ) , offers help from advisory teachers to those schools where many pupils achieve only low scores in the test .
30 Students reaching the required standard may be permitted to proceed to honours in the final year in any one of the subjects offered by the faculty , or joint honours in two of the subjects .
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