Example sentences of "in [art] [noun sg] by [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Resuspend the cells in the remainder by flicking the tube so that a thin film of suspension adheres to the wall of the tube .
2 John expressed this sense of burgeoning new life in the Church by calling the Council ‘ a new Pentecost ’ .
3 The explanation has to be that the company shot itself in the foot by announcing the Sparcsystem 10 machines with such a long lead time , many would-be customers are holding back and waiting for them , and that things will not really start to pick up until those start shipping around September time — which suggests that dullness will continue for the current quarter .
4 Nip annual weeds in the bud by dosing the ground with a contact herbicide like Fisons ' new Weedmaster ( £2.59/500ml sprayer , from garden centres ) .
5 The action of the chemical substances will accordingly include leaving a permanent trace in the brain by affecting the processes of recollection ’ .
6 The member of parliament saw in this ambition an opportunity to strengthen his own interest in the burgh by detaching the schoolmaster 's brother-in-law , the bailie , from the opposition party in the council , for the bailie was at that moment firmly attached to that faction by a promise from Dempster 's rival that he would procure a kirk for the bailie 's son .
7 On the other hand , the teacher could have injected an element extrinsic to the drama in the structure by warning the listeners beforehand that they were going to be required to make an accurate report to the rest of the class with the talkers assessing their report for accuracy .
8 The rule tells us , or the computer , where to move every point in the plane by computing the new location
9 Huddersfield made up for their failure in the Cup by winning the League Championship in the next season , 1923–4 .
10 But she took tea up to Jonathon and Aunt Margaret showed her how to trap the heat in the cup by putting the saucer on top .
11 ICL Plc aims to bridge the gap between personal computers and dumb terminals with its new network terminal , ErgoClient , for client-server computing , which acts as a half-way house and is claimed to be the only product capable of filling a gap in the market by combining the price-performance of a terminal with the flexibility of a personal computer .
12 Specialized contexts , such as our Part-number example , tend to be placed in local context-tables , as do changes made by individual readers , i.e. the reader can override the properties of a context in the library by re-specifying the context locally within a document .
13 It should allow access by different fields , so that , for example , a teacher should be able to inquire whether a particular item has arrived in the library by identifying the author or the title of the item or by giving the name of the teacher who recommended its acquisition for the school library .
14 High interest rates are used to control the growth of aggregate demand in the economy by increasing the cost of borrowing .
15 Found in red peppers and chilli peppers , capsaicin causes a sensation of burning pain in the mouth by triggering the trigeminal nerve , which has branches in the eyes , nose , tongue and mouth .
16 And we tried to do something about the problem of alcoholism and prostitution in the area by getting the bars and brothels registered with the local government .
17 So I 'd like to reflect that against what the government has done since our unique November conference they have cut the Health and Safety Executive 's budget for nineteen ninety three ninety four by five percent , that 's a total of thirteen million pounds the Department of Employment have already admitted this will lead to less inspections and less prosecutions they have introduced a market tex market testing exercise into the H S E in other words they 're saying what parts of the Health and Safety Executive can be privatized into , no doubt , their friends in industry they have made sure that Health that the Health and Safety Commission will work slower in the future by making the chair which is currently a full-time post a part-time post from September this year .
18 When I was at university , we fulfilled expectations in every way by occupying the refectory to get the Americans out of Vietnam .
19 Although Hampshire Bus 's successor , Stagecoach , in what we were told was splendid entrepreneurial fashion doubled its money in a fortnight by selling the coach station , it still left the problem that some people wanted to travel by coach .
20 This process , which can take several decades in open country , may be contrived in only a few years in a garden by reversing the natural scheme of things .
21 ( It was this Thomas Peall who , while still at College in 1795 , produced glanders in an ass by placing the discharge from a farcy ulcer inside the nostrils ) .
22 It is possible that lithium has an effect on the conduction in an axon by replacing the sodium ion and it is used in the treatment of depressive illness .
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