Example sentences of "in [adj] and [v-ing] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Budgen said : ‘ The Government 's actions have been disgraceful , describing Maastricht as an issue of confidence in private and denying it in public .
2 I remembered the time Andy and I had let down all the wheels of his dad 's car , folding matches in half and sticking them into the tyre valves .
3 Try folding a VDU in half and stuffing it in your pocket .
4 tearing tin cans in half and lobbing them into the
5 Ideally , it is a major feature of this type of product , and one for which the advertised brand is actually superior : but it could be some general characteristic which , by getting in first and appropriating it to itself , the brand can make its own .
6 If smoking is allowed it stops people doing it in secret and making it into a clever or fashionable thing to do
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