Example sentences of "in [adj] when [art] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ In London , in 1934 when the knowledge of the power of the atom was a dream in very few minds , ’ Dr Tariq said , ‘ there was a Hungarian refugee .
2 It began in 1756 when a fellow of the Royal Society called James Dodson had a problem .
3 ‘ This all started in 1986 when a handful of residents got together and decided to take action to get better homes .
4 This means that the cities of France are under-represented and there is a considerable right-wing majority , three-quarters in 1986 when the rest of France voted 52 per cent for the right .
5 A major change was made in 1980 when the policy of the Department of Health and Social Security in administering supplementary benefit was reduced to detailed secondary legislation , so that the supplementary benefit scheme is now as rooted in statutory provisions as the national insurance benefits .
6 Thus in 1802 when a group of spahis called on the Serbs to join them in resisting the dayis very few Serbs responded .
7 Both in 1780 when a divergence between metropolitan radicals and Wyvill 's gentry in the county associations was evident and in 1793–4 with the calling of a British and then an English Convention , the contradictory potentialities of the convention were part of the substance of debate amongst participants .
8 The saga began in 1985 when a report by the Property Services Agency ( which maintains Crown property ) highlighted the serious corrosion of the spire .
9 Unlike the era of the Plaza Accord in 1985 when the surplus with the US was the main agenda , criticism is flaring not only from Washington but also from other nations .
10 Exiled abroad for opposing the 1964 military coup , Prestes returned to Brazil from Moscow in 1979 when the ban on opposition parties was lifted .
11 The Buckinghamshire ratios were £71 per thousand in 1515 , £68 in 1524 and £79 in 1522 when the average for just about half of Berkshire was only marginally higher than the £88 for the complete county in 1515 .
12 Over the years these monastic institutions acquired a particular expertise in the embalming of bodies , an example of their handiwork being discovered in 1969 when the coffin of Archbishop Godfrey de Ludham ( d. 1265 ) was opened in York Minster .
13 They are the latest development in an initiative which began in 1975 when a group of industry representatives launched the Site Management Education and Training Scheme .
14 The opportunity for unification came in 1859 when the Kingdom of Sardinia — the island of Sardinia itself , together with Piedmont , Savoy and territory around Nice — sided with France in a war against Austria .
15 This requirement was made explicit in 1946 when the Bank of England was nationalized .
16 It was saved in 1962 when a group of enthusiasts , led by Dean Hughes , formed a committee to organise the event .
17 It began in 1976 when a team of three educationists was appointed .
18 Werner Reichert , of Egremont Road , Whitehaven , joined the Company in 1950 when a number of skilled German weavers were recruited and is now only one of two left .
19 One of the most infamous of all football riots took place in Glasgow in 1909 when a crowd of around 6,000 invaded the pitch at full time .
20 Only occasionally did this local sentiment prove stronger than loyalty to the nation , as in 1489 when the levy of taxation for the distant Breton War led to a Yorkshire rising , in which the earl of Northumberland was murdered , and in 1497 when the Cornishmen rebelled against the payment of a subsidy for war with Scotland ( 73 , pp.14 , 15 ) .
21 Over the last 4–5 years there has been a considerable amount of activity in the colony due to the expiry of the lease in 1997 when the land on which the colony has been built reverts back to its previous owner the Republic of China .
22 Manorial records in general concerned themselves solely with the head tenants ; the name of an undertenant might occur only incidentally , as at Long Crendon in 1535 when the vicar of Thame was presented for letting two tenements by indenture for ten years to William Byrte , from whom , in fact , he had purchased them a few years previously .
23 This initial stage was taken one step further in 1987 when the Association of Health for the People began working in the community and provided an analysis of the main problems that needed to be addressed , and suggested some solutions — all of which depended upon good communication between the local inhabitants .
24 The privileged position of statutory undertakers was further reduced in 1973 when a code of practice was agreed between departments and commended by the appropriate ministers to statutory undertakers .
25 It was denied again in Sir John Eliot 's Case ( 1629 ) 3 St Tr 294 , a decision which , however , the Houses never accepted and which , after objections in 1641 and 1667 , they eventually rejected in 1668 when the House of Lords reversed the decision of 1629 and held that there could be no proceedings in respect of words said in Parliament .
26 The threat of invasion too continued into more modern times , for the occupants of the Hall fled to York in great panic in 1779 when the battle of Flamborough Head took place and the Americans under John Paul Jones won a decisive victory .
27 The cry of " Wilkes and Liberty " had first been heard in 1763 when the publisher of the anti-Government North Briton had been imprisoned after the issue of a general warrant .
28 Mr. W. E. Gladstone was Prime Minister from 1880 to 1885 but then that post alternated between the Marquess of Salisbury and Mr. Gladstone until the turn of the century , with a short interlude in 1894–1895 when the Earl of Rosebery was in that office .
29 That problem was remedied in 1805 when the completion of the Grand Junction Canal , 93 miles long , even avoided use of the narrow and circuitous Oxford Canal and took an astonishing 131 miles off the journey .
30 New splits came in 1939 when the signing of the Soviet-German Pact and the outbreak of war created a major division in the American Socialist Workers ' Party .
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