Example sentences of "in [adj] [det] [noun] [subord] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 All this , of course , happened in much less time than it takes to explain .
2 We believe it is important that we participate fully in all these discussions as we think we have an important contribution to make from the substantial experience that we have , and I do not think you would find it acceptable for JARs to be binding on UK industry without us being in on every stage of their development .
3 Keats was written rapidly at Selsfield House in 1913 some months before he began his work there on the Childhood and the Fiction .
4 There 's time just to squeeze in one more story if you 'd like to hear it .
5 And er so er er I said to my friend , like me pals I said , Well look we we have n't been in the Army a year , so we 've got to be in two more years before it comes our turn our turn to be demobilized , so we just might as well sign up for a couple year , get two months leave and twenty quid , because we shall do that if we do n't .
6 2,500 tons of food is at risk from shelling … if nothing is done , we will stop deliveries in two more days because we do n't have any place to put it . ’
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