Example sentences of "in [adj] [coord] [adv] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This pledge was fulfilled in 1971 and thus the Land Commission went the same way as it predecessor , the Central Land Board .
2 The Clegg Commission was abolished in 1980 and eventually the government managed to squeeze down pay in the public sector through its use of cash limits .
3 For example some mothers feel very embarrassed about reprimanding their child or dealing with a tantrum in public and so the child rapidly learns that a tantrum could produce sweets if enough fuss is created ( McAuley and McAuley 1977 ) .
4 Fishman acknowledges the skill involved in this and indeed the necessity for someone to do it ; but she sees it as something women are coerced into .
5 This was abolished in 1972 and consequently the prosecution must now convince a more representative sample of the population that a publisher ought to be punished : a sample , moreover , which has a constitutional right to acquit irrespective of the letter of the law .
6 Among injecting drug users , the peak in HIV incidence took place in 1985 and so the number of AIDS cases is still climbing .
7 A breed society was founded in 1908 and today the Salers also has breed societies in Canada and the USA .
8 The buildings of the monastery were demolished in 1897 and only the porch remains of Dientzenhofer 's work .
9 Built in 1811 and now the Borough Council 's Leathercraft Museum .
10 That the owners are not described may imply that they have withdrawn from the close relations with tenants , servants , and labourers that is called for from lords of the manor ; they have grown remote in more or less the way described by Bloomfield in his discussion of the harvest feast .
11 As one would expect , people who consider themselves ill are more likely to visit their doctor than the population in general and hence the consultation rates of Table 3.10 are higher than those of Table 3.9 .
12 Central governments elected in 1979 , 1983 and 1987 have clearly benefited from UDCs in general and especially the LDDC .
13 In almost every chapter and section I have found it convenient to say things about crime writing in general and sometimes the art of fiction in particular .
14 In 1050 or so the abbot announced that the body of St Mary Magdalene , no less , had been discovered in the crypt .
15 The Kefauver report is mentioned in passing but neither the Hubert Humphrey follow-up , nor Morton Mintz 's massive By Prescription Only , nor Rick Carlson 's The End of Medicine get so much as a mention .
16 Cistercian abbey founded in 1143 and traditionally the burial place of Llywelyn the Last .
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