Example sentences of "in [adj] [noun sg] [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Although the government would admit that in the short term a rise in aggregate demand stimulated by government fiscal policy would raise employment and output ( quantity ) , in the longer term such fiscal relaxation would raise the rate of inflation ( price ) and not quantity ; money GDP ( price × quantity ) would be rising but not output .
2 The platelet aggregate ratio as described by Wu and Hoak ( 1974 ) depends on the ratio of the platelet count performed on platelet-rich plasma derived from blood mixed with formalin to that in platelet-rich plasma prepared without formalin .
3 Harris finished and the packed courtroom sat in pregnant silence waiting for Philip Drew to take the stand , remembering that it was his prerogative whether he did so or not .
4 We are familiar with this in words like gnome , or Wednesday ; but we are n't always conscious that Saint Paul 's in normal speech sounds like Sn Paulz or that bread and butter sounds like bread n butta .
5 Aware of the interest in low cost housing for rent and purchase in the area , sparked by the Eldonian housing development activities , the Corporation 's Draft Area Strategy ( MDC , 1989c ) incorporated consultant 's findings and earmarked land for a balance of housing type and tenure .
6 In particular distinctions were drawn between errors of law going to jurisdiction and errors of law within jurisdiction and between errors of law on the face of the record and other errors on law which in neither case went to jurisdiction .
7 Unemployment rose dramatically , while the manufacturing industry declined steeply , producing in 1932 only just over half its output in 1929. wheat fell from $1.05 a bushel in 1929 to 39 cents in 1932 , and similar falls occurred for most other agricultural products .
8 National trends such as the predominance of private housing since the 1950s ( figure 5.2 ) and the decline in private rental have of course affected rural areas also .
9 Chapter 7 discussed the three major changes in economic strategy undertaken in Tanzania from 1967 to 1975 .
10 In St John 's Wood illegal parking-time in each bay fell per day from 77 minutes to 40 and in Pimlico , from 48 minutes to 24 .
11 Few runners in each contest go to post fully prepared and even fewer have the in-born talent to win .
12 The school was divided into Upper and Lower boys , and the Lower boys in each house fagged for members of the Library : they cooked their tea , ran errands for them , being sent perhaps as far as Windsor to fetch a cake from Fuller 's teashop , and they had to come at once when someone in the Library shouted " Boy ! " , the last arrival being given the job .
13 Meanwhile some 2,600,000 people in the central and southern provinces were suffering from the effects of a 60 per cent fall in agricultural production attributed to drought and conflict .
14 The pluralist tradition is probably dominant in political science writing on budgeting .
15 The poem seemed to offer the possibility of regeneration ( " In my end is my beginning " is its last line ) from a false civilization , and is in that sense close in spirit to The Idea of a Christian Society , which also sold well during the war years .
16 China has fiercely opposed the introduction of democracy to Hong Kong , and has threatened to reverse any moves in that direction made by Britain before 1997 .
17 It may be arguable that some part of the substance used does attach to the article cleaned , even if the rest is rinsed off , so that ownership in that part passes by adhesion to the article .
18 O'Keeffe 's 1923 show was the first of what could be annual exhibitions of her work in that decade staged by Alfred Steiglitz , her husband to be .
19 One of the most telling sequences in that film passed without comment .
20 ‘ For my part I do not think that the House of Lords in that case had in mind the special position in the administration of justice of the Director of Public Prosecutions and the Crown Prosecution Service or would have been prepared to extend the effect of the orders of a civil court in such a way as indirectly to bind them in the performance of their duties in relation to the criminal law and before the criminal courts in circumstances in which they had not sought and may not have wished for an order for discovery .
21 Most of the part-time farmers in that area worked in Teesside , many at management level .
22 By a notice of appeal dated 6 September 1991 the solicitors appealed on the grounds that ( 1 ) the judge was wrong in law in holding that ( a ) under section 6(2) of the Act of 1986 the court had jurisdiction to order any person other than the contravener who appeared to the court to have been knowingly concerned in the contravention of section 3 of the Act to repay to investors sums paid by them to Pantell and ( b ) under section 61(1) of the Act the court had jurisdiction to order any person other than the contravener who appeared to the court to have been knowingly concerned in the contravention of any rules , regulations or provisions referred to in that section to repay to investors sums paid by them to Pantell ; ( 2 ) the court had no jurisdiction under sections 6(2) and 61(1) to award claims for compensation for loss against persons knowingly concerned in such contraventions in contrast to sections 6(3) to ( 7 ) and sections 61(3) to ( 7 ) ; ( 3 ) the judge was wrong in law in holding that ( a ) the power of the court under section 6(2) to order a person knowingly concerned in the contravention to take such steps as the court might direct for restoring the parties to the transaction to the position in which they were before the transaction was entered into and ( b ) the power of the court under section 61(1) to order a person knowingly concerned in the contravention of the rules , regulations or provisions referred to in that section to take such steps as the court might direct to remedy it included power to make a financial award against such person directing payment by that person to individual investors of sums equivalent to the amounts paid by such investors pursuant to the said transaction , neither subsection empowering the court to order restitution by the repayment of moneys outside the possession or control of the person concerned ; and ( 4 ) the judge erred in law ( a ) in his construction of sections 6(2) and 61(1) in failing to have regard to the principle ‘ generalibus specialia derogant , ’ in particular in holding that there could exist within each of sections 6 and 61 two parallel powers to order financial redress at the suit of the plaintiff , one derived from sections 6(3) and 6(4) and sections 61(3) and 61(4) respectively , which was subject to the limitations set out in those and subsequent subsections , and the other derived from section 6(2) and section 61(1) , which was subject to no such limitations ; ( b ) in rejecting the submission that sections 6 and 61 were essentially procedural and did not create new substantive legal rights and remedies ; and ( c ) in failing to have regard to the fact that the orders sought under paragraphs 11 and 13 of the prayer to the amended statement of claim required payment to the plaintiff or alternatively into court of moneys recovered thereunder from the solicitors despite the absence of any provisions for such orders in the Act , his dismissal of the summons being inconsistent with his finding that there was no provision in sections 6(2) or 61(1) directing payment into court and that any order under the sections would have to direct repayment of the sum paid to each individual investor who had made the original payment .
23 In all probability , however , Ensign McDonald 's major failing was that he was neither a Fraser nor a Grant , and in that region dominated by family interests , his political connections were insufficient to secure his advancement .
24 This resulted in a ratio of butyrate/ glutamine metabolism that was slightly ( but not significantly , p=0.09 ) lower in ulcerative colitis compared with controls .
25 The model of life in rural society represented in box 14 undoubtedly fitted Britain in the early part of this century and fits some more remote rural communities in Britain today .
26 Rush now has 19 in European competition compared to Hunt 's 17 .
27 The driver refused and was in due course convicted by justices of failing to provide a specimen without reasonable excuse .
28 To send a letter in due course to ask for support from Council of Churches in the UK and Ireland .
29 ( Both clocks were in due course converted to pendulum clocks . )
30 On 12 December 1985 the building society commenced in the High Court the action that in due course came before Knox J. It sued only Mr. Steed as defendant and claimed possession of the property .
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