Example sentences of "in [adj] [pron] [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In 1875 he gave four lectures on his discoveries at the Royal Institution , and 1877 saw the publication of his book , Discoveries at Ephesus ; a second book , Discoveries on the Site of Ancient Ephesus , published posthumously in 1890 , added little to the earlier work .
2 He then moved to a succession of short-term jobs until in 1934 he joined some friends in establishing a garage near Basingstoke , specializing in veteran and vintage cars .
3 The Gold Coast was notable for the high mortality rate suffered by Europeans , and in 1891 he contracted black-water fever and was invalided home .
4 While he was in Paris he had been encouraged by Émile Zola to write novels , and in 1891 he published Guilty Bonds , a melodramatic story of conspiracy in Russia ; this was banned in that country , but it was the first of over 130 novels and biographies concerned with murder , espionage , and the occult .
5 In 1736 he received two commissions from Graham : the construction of a nine-feet zenith sector ( the arc of which Graham divided himself ) for the French Académie des Sciences expedition to Lapland under Pierre de Maupertuis to measure the length of a degree of the meridian ; and preparing brass rods and scales for the Royal Society and the Académie for new standards to show the relation between the English yard and the French half-toise .
6 In 1838 they had 38 hand looms in use , as well as two power versions .
7 In many countries public libraries and school education have often been administratively closely linked in that they draw financial support from the same source .
8 However , they are limited in that they create artificial contexts which may not provide a good basis for predicting performance in other settings .
9 Right again that 's slightly complicated in that we have two roads coming from the Leeds direction and the
10 He instantly took in that I brought bad news and steered me at once into the noisy outside coupling space between the dayniter and the central dining car .
11 The invention of printing , a key technical stage in the technology of distribution , had remarkable early effects in that it made technical distribution much easier but in conditions of relatively unaltered social distribution .
12 The European Convention differs in that it establishes effective enforcement machinery of which the aggrieved individual can avail himself , even where the alleged offender is his own home state .
13 In fact Mr Hingston found a slightly unusual account in that it had instant access so long as withdrawals were made by post .
14 Although that has meant that not much can be done , in principle it is a good idea in that it forces underwater sites to compete with land sites for funding , and tends to keep the attention on the point that it is archaeology we are talking about .
15 This is a wonderful design in that it combines real style with light weight and gives you totally unimpeded access to all but the very top fret .
16 This form of collaboration is said to have several advantages in that it offers greater control over research and development linkage by better managing the interface between public sector research and industry .
17 This exercise is a refinement of the one carried out for the whole district in that it takes more account of local needs and provides additional information over and above the grades of staff required .
18 the transaction itself is cross-border in character in that it involves contractual activity in two or more States ;
19 Micro Focus , meanwhile , is offering a fully dynamic system that it claims is as polymorphic as Smalltalk in that it supports dynamic look-ups and can implement an untyped system .
20 During and Spencer 's study differs from earlier ones in which microdialysis was used in that it involved chronic monitoring ( up to 16 days ) in conscious patients .
21 As a method of appraisal it is considered particularly appropriate to the area of art in that it places great emphasis upon the validity of individual response and interpretation .
22 More significantly , however , the package departed from recent Republican budgets in that it abandoned any prospect of achieving a balanced budget in the medium term .
23 The San Giorgio case is also of interest for present purposes in that it accepts that Community law does not prevent a national legal system from disallowing repayment of charges where to do so would entail unjust enrichment of the recipient , in particular where the charges have been incorporated into the price of goods and so passed on to the purchaser .
24 Section 3 only protects against actions of defamation in that it gives qualified privilege to extracts from any reports protected by sections I and 2 .
25 As a piece of recording , the Philips set has one advantage in that it makes best use of the excellent John Alldis Choir and puts them well forward , whereas the perfectly good Lyon Opera Chorus is relegated to the middle distance as usual .
26 The neurotic 's suffering is an important component in analysis in that it provides motivational energy to the patient to work at his or her analysis .
27 It is staffed by three fulltime teachers , and its aims are similar to the Arbour Project in that it provides continuing education , it takes girls through their pregnancies physically , educationally , emotionally and socially to produce healthy babies and mothers , and it tries to help girls achieve a level of maturity for taking on responsible parenthood .
28 The burning question for the poverty lobby is from where and how , particularly given the Fowler reviews in 1986 which made wide-ranging cuts and changes to the social security system .
29 In 1986 I cultivated new ambitions which took me out of the British orbit and on to a higher plane .
30 In 1986 it employed 670 people and shipped around US $500 million of systems .
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