Example sentences of "a [noun pl] ' [noun sg] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I could n't understand why I should want to leave the relative safety of the house in Fulham to walk into a hornets ' nest of horrified disapproval and rejection .
2 Many clutched a commuters ' breakfast of buttered bun and polystyrene cup of coffee , weighing up the dilemma of being late for work against the lure of easy money .
3 Last week I gave a talk to a parents ' committee in one of our schools on how to make a constitution — I felt I was contributing to the growth of grass roots democracy in South Africa .
4 Attention has quite justifiably been drawn to the fact that we have not had anything in the way of a Teachers ' Forum for some years .
5 The house became a girls ' school until 1980 when the grounds were developed for housing .
6 In 1916 the 2nd Earl of Feversham was killed at the Battle of the Somme and the house became a girls ' school until 1895 .
7 By 1701 Myddlewood had attracted a squatters ' colony of fourteen cottages that formed a distinct , new settlement between Myddle village and the hamlet of Marton .
8 However , resentment from those who had learned the trade through the proper apprenticeship forced him into a debtors ' prison in 1738 .
9 They have already appointed a gates ' superintendent for this year to ensure no one slips through the entrances without paying .
10 They are now recognised as a branch of the British Conservative and Unionist Party , but only thanks to a peasants ' revolt within that party , and no thanks at all to the mandarins of Central Office .
11 Pop and I had never had much to do with a soldiers ' club-except for that brief time in Maymyo , which was more of a hospital than a club , but now we had to feed and house soldiers on leave , poor men who were tired and bored and away from their families .
12 It would prevent our living in a fools ' paradise of false prosperity .
13 They organized a boys ' camp in such a way that two deliberately-created groups were formed for the experiment .
14 In southern India The Body Shop has provided the means to set up a boys ' town for destitute youngsters .
15 Santa Cruz Operation Inc has launched a developers ' program for independent software vendors who will use its Novell NetWare connectivity product , SCO IPX/SPX : an early release , supporting Streams , is out now — a commercial release goes out in the third quarter .
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