Example sentences of "a [noun sg] be [verb] [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is a well-known maxim of construction that in case of ambiguity a contract is construed contra proferentem .
2 The principal objectives of such a department are to identify market opportunities , design a strategy to meet them and then implement approved plans , in collaboration with other departments .
3 He could be warmly understanding and sympathetic , as I knew , when dealing with a friend 's problems ; but , for that very reason , a catalogue in mediocre verse of a stranger 's supposed education sentimentale was something he found thoroughly distasteful .
4 The woodland shimmered , was still — a moment 's stifling summer silence , then the howl of the new season , a freezing wind bringing death and shedding so that for the second time in two minutes the land was drenched with fallen leaves and snow .
5 You can get a wife 's earned income tax relief on the part of your pension which you earned from your own contributions .
6 Except where alternative arrangements have been approved by or on behalf of the Senate , a candidate 's written examination scripts and work on which cumulative and other forms of assessment have been based shall be preserved until the end of December following the date on which the candidate qualified , or was due to qualify , for an award .
7 In the UK , the institutional mechanics are broadly that a government 's intended expenditure plans for the coming four years are drawn up in the autumn of each year , with the upcoming year being the dominant period for consideration .
8 Such a relation is called liner substitution .
9 A bank is taking court action over the former Tory Party chairman 's half a million pound overdraft .
10 A lot is leaving farming ti get more brass in t'mills in Leeds and Bradford and thereabouts .
11 All courses offer the possibility for a number of students to undertake a year 's supervised work experience between the second and final year of the undergraduate programmes .
12 The Yellow Book The London Stock Exchange requires that own-share purchases within any 12-month period of 15 per cent or more of a company 's issued share capital must be made either by way of a partial offer or by way of a tender offer at a stated maximum price .
13 SCHOOLS can not be run like assembly lines , the National Union of Teachers says in a booklet being sent tobusiness executives to ask their help in opposing any move to pay teachers according to classroom performance .
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