Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [to-vb] [pers pn] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Another course open to the High Court when it quashes the decision of a governmental body is to remit the matter to the agency with a direction to reconsider it in accordance with the findings of the High Court .
2 A CLEVELAND fireman is appealing against a decision to transfer him from Thornaby fire station to his home town of Billingham .
3 It comes complete with all fittings for usual tap-threads , and all you will need is a wrench to tighten it in position to comply with the law — incidentally , a fine of up to £400 can be imposed for non-compliance with the law !
4 It comes complete with all fittings for usual tap-threads , and all you need is a wrench to tighten it in position .
5 There was no other option as the Hurseys live in a known highrisk parvovirus area and carrying around a Great Dane puppy in a blanket to acclimatise him to street life — as one might with Yorkshire terrier pup — is hardly practical AND needs a very large owner !
6 If , on the other hand , you allow rationality to children , then you can not use their lack of it as a criterion to distinguish them from adults .
7 It was a mournful pair that hired a boat to take them to Saltash and acquaint the Lee family of the tragedy .
8 I stated my views to Lord Stanley as fully as I could , but I fear that the Exchequer is not in a condition to enable him to second my views , 1 think you will do me the credit to say that if any man can organize an Expedition for interior research I can , and that there are few if any here more qualified from experience for such a task .
9 It is always a pleasure to meet you at Link meetings and other events .
10 Monaco despatched a scout to trail him at Bournemouth the following week , and they will use the next couple of days to decide whether to gamble on bringing Lambert to Europe 's gambling capital .
11 We had only to go for a walk through the empty streets and someone would appear in a doorway to invite us for dinner .
12 The news will throw Tottenham 's future to fresh confusion and leave the club hoping desperately that manager Terry Venables can put together a deal to save them from collapse .
13 as if waiting for a command to bring them to life , Trent thought .
14 Time for the same man to complete his work in Finland , then catch a plane to London and hire a car to take him to Suffolk .
15 So the film company organized a car to take him from Reading to Pangbourne .
16 Bless the lady : she gave me a large breakfast and then told me she had arranged with a friend who had a car to take me into Lochinver .
17 KEVIN KEEGAN has had secret talks with Newcastle directors in a bid to keep him at St James 's Park .
18 A frog asked a princess to take him to bed with her so that he could turn into a fairy prince .
19 Religion is based on the longing for the father , and the infant 's wish for a protector to defend it against feelings of helplessness .
20 An advancement means a sum of money paid to a child to start him in business or to make a permanent provision for him ; it does not include casual payments given as a present or to help to tide over temporary difficulties .
21 Phil Taylor beat Phil Bolton to keep Northumberland 's hopes alive but Caldy 's Ray Hughes and Jan Higginbotham of Bramhall both won and Jamie Curtis of Didsbury got a half to clinch it for Cheshire .
22 ‘ It would be a pity to turn it into firewood . ’
23 It is unfortunate that the confirmation of Æthelric of Bocking 's will , with its reference to a plan to receive him in Essex perhaps as early as 991 , gives no further details .
24 It might be worth booking a coach to carry us between access points .
25 In Donaghy [ 1981 ] Crim LR 644 ( Crown Court ) , the accused ordered a taxi-driver to take him from Newmarket to London and made threats to his life .
26 There are no articles on video technology , although a handful of book reviews perhaps indicate a determination to cover it in future .
27 Yet the very specially acute sense of deprivation found in the shorter of the two versions to be examined here argues the recognition of the possibility of the presence of just such joy ; " absence is not non-existence , and we are therefore entitled to repeat , " " come , come , come , come : " " " and both Rolle 's meditations on the Passion are such powerful works precisely because he enacts a sense of the gap between the body of sin and the joy of God and a longing to close it through penitence and love .
28 It seemed a shame to waste it on friends .
29 What a shame to waste it on children ! ’ ’
30 It 's a kind of sparkle , and it would be such a shame to extinguish it with duty .
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