Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [to-vb] [pron] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In both editions of this book , I made a decision to use what some linguists have called ‘ the visibility strategy ’ , or ‘ positive language ’ , in which all generics are feminine : she , her .
2 They had no great love for Conservatism , but , given the tenor of Liberal politics , saw the Conservative party as the last hope in a struggle to preserve their own brand of Liberalism .
3 ‘ The fact that no fewer than half the funds invested in small firms in Scotland comes from personal equity shows that Scots do have a flair for enterprise and a willingness to back their own judgment that is essential in every entrepreneur . ’
4 A minimum of historical awareness and a willingness to confront our own past is what is needed to teach us that , quite as much as knowledge of ‘ Arab culture ’ .
5 Moreover , the thin weal of the scar along his cheek was of a kind to tell its own story .
6 A computer programmer would almost certainly get a computer to do it that way , but I doubt whether the brain does .
7 This is a significant development in that it places on the colleges a responsibility to assess their own strength .
8 Ipswich team manager Mick McGiven has successfully created a side to match his own personality — dull .
9 It 's very hard to explain , but these people are all on the extreme left and were seeking a poet to give them some sort of standing .
10 as if that had anything to do with the ability of a poet to read his own poems !
11 It was a pleasure to wear her former clothes again ; fashions had changed so little that Selene had contrived very well .
12 ‘ So — I kept up the pretence of believing you were using drugs , hoping you 'd accept having me around all the time in a bid to prove your own innocence . ’
13 Certainly , I mean , something you should be aware of , however , if you 're using colour coding , if you 're using symbols and abbreviations , is the minute that you need a key to understand your own abbreviations and your , or what the colours mean , you 're wasting time .
14 ‘ Allow a child to find its own balance — say when they need help to dress themselves , for instance , rather than springing in to help .
15 But you have to titrate your desires with allowing a child to make his own friendships . ’
16 A few of the larger towns in England had the right to elect a council to run their own affairs , but the great majority of Englishmen lived in the countryside where Justices of the Peace ran things in the way that gentlemen had always done .
17 But the way he did it was with the same connections he defied , and to get into serious racing in his early days , he got a bank to give him credit and a sponsor to give him some backing : though he had n't , of his own , a sou in the world .
18 Twelfth-century romances make it plain that for a noblewoman to suckle her own child implied a quite exceptional degree of love .
19 It is not the function of a judge to use his own expertise in a given area outside the law and the administration of justice .
20 It is more difficult to allow a teacher to develop his own themes if the head of department is the tutor .
21 They were then blamed for allowing a Thatcher victory , when Labour 's downfall hinged on a refusal to implement its own policies .
22 You can join a group to increase your own enjoyment of birds , to meet like-minded people , or to find ways of increasing your involvement by joining the committee , or raising funds , or taking part in practical conservation work .
23 Well , it 's been a joy to meet you this evening , please can I have another signed photo to replace the old one ?
24 The right to invalidate legislation obviously in one sense invades the principle that each department has an independent sphere of action and a right to take its own view on matters of constitutionality .
25 Other principles accepted by the declaration were : i ) that the polluter should pay for the cost of the clean-up ; ii ) that environmental damage should be guarded against even if there were no apparent scientific reasons for doing so — the " precautionary principle " ; iii ) that women have " a vital role in environmental management and development " ; and iv ) that , while nations have a right to exploit their own resources , they must not damage the environments of other states .
26 If you choose to have your nose pierced that is your concern but , to be fair , the pub also has a right to set its own rules .
27 The PNC meeting in Algiers in September , while welcoming the latest efforts for a peace conference , had reiterated that the PLO had a right to form its own delegation from " inside and outside the homeland , including Jerusalem " [ see also p. 38453 ] .
28 and interested parents have a right to know what this initiative actually means .
29 We 've a right to govern our own country , and we 've a right not to be told by other countries that we should be split into two , that we 're two different nations because they decided to split us down the middle .
30 It says that they have a right to have their own needs assessed , the wishes of the family and other carers erm , have to be taken into account carers have to be involved in drawing up local plans
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