Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [v-ing] [adv] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 First we may consider the phrase : ( 25 ) acrobatic performance In the light of the discussion above we may remark that this can be understood in either of two ways : first , as covering any performance which is so described because it is linked with the idea of an acrobat in the execution of his or her professional duties ; this would include expertise in juggling , tightrope walking , standing on one 's hands , and so on , even if they are performed by an amateur lacking any natural talent for the task ; second , ( 25 ) may be used to designate any performance which is acrobatic in itself , even if not part of the normal repertoire of acrobats , for instance , grabbing hold of a branch growing out from a cliff just after falling from the top .
2 In the opening shot I see Garfield at a lectern reading aloud from a Shakespeare first edition , bound in unborn calf .
3 ‘ Then you are without female dependants , ’ said Sophia , almost like a chairman summing up at a meeting .
4 So I tried the RSPCA inspector , but it seemed he was more concerned with a cow wandering about in a shopping mall in Carmarthen .
5 There 's a club meeting here for a social weekend — I think they like to keep their places warm here for when coarse fishing starts again .
6 As Sampson observes , the phytogenetic account above of the simultaneous growth of phrase structure and transformational rules yields a prediction agreeing nicely with a principle formulated by the Chomskians .
7 Suddenly from below came the unmistakable sound of gunfire , the roar of a shotgun sounding along with a short sharp burst of a machine gun .
8 Well , seem funny a boxer going around with a tail wo n't it ?
9 New Scientist published an article with the transfixing title of ‘ The search for scale invariant cosmology ’ , showing that there was a search going on for a deeper understanding of the Universe .
10 Let us consider the poverty of understanding which a child growing up in a religiously deprived background might have of one of the most evocative concepts in religious language , that of " heaven " .
11 ‘ From my point of view it was like a child climbing up on a wall to look in but she rushed back and said : ‘ No , I ca n't do it , ’ and started crying in my arms .
12 This was a work which evolved almost by accident , when a boy swinging playfully from a lamp post near a wall covered in graffiti , challenged the artist to draw him .
13 This was a work which evolved almost by accident , when a boy swinging playfully from a lamp post near a wall covered in graffiti , challenged the artist to draw him .
14 So a boy coming up through a family that was involved in riveters would sort of more or less
15 Her descriptions tell of a village changing slowly to a motorcar age , and perhaps forecasts the future in references that smithies have been replaced by garages and advertisements for petrol from the ‘ golden pump ’ .
16 ‘ Ram ’ features more work using semen , aggressively sexual words and a jackhammer humping away against a wall .
17 But one , hung in the dining room , by a window looking out onto a most majestic ancient cedar tree , is strikingly different to all the others .
18 Artist Janet Margrave has created a window opening on to a scene of flowers , ivy-clad trellis , a rush fringed pool and trees .
19 Isambard caught up both , and stood for a moment staring down with a formidable frown at Harry , who nursed his bruised wrists and glared back , expecting a blow and tensing every muscle to receive it without a tremor .
20 Drunks , men coming from the clubs , occasionally a seaman coming home with a kitbag on his shoulder and you would say good night to him .
21 The probability of a particle getting out of a black hole of the mass of the sun would be very low because the particle would have to travel faster than light for several kilometers .
22 My vision is of a team pulling together with a common aim and purpose to give glory to God and see His Kingdom extended in our part of the South Side of Glasgow .
23 The snow was relatively unmarked here , packed high around a great wooden post with a beam jutting out like a scaffold .
24 ‘ Once you 've got that basic drawing of a person sitting sideways on a chair , if you draw straight lines around him you 've more or less got a pyramid shape .
25 So the silhouette of the Dalek actually came directly from the shape of a person sitting down in a chair .
26 This will be immediately preceded by the dispatch from the tail-gate of the aircraft of a ‘ wedge ’ , a platform containing up to a ton of stores .
27 A more common description of potential energy is of an object such as a ball resting precariously on a ledge .
28 For instance , you and your friend are jacked in and you want to describe a ball falling out of a tree .
29 ANYONE who has tried to sight a ball coming out of a dark background as dusk falls will quickly agree that sightscreens are a very important part of any cricket ground .
30 At the moment he holds bungee jumping days in Manchester , Birmingham , and the Lake District , with up to 100 people a day diving headlong off a 170ft crane on the end of a 30ft elasticated rope which stretches to 150ft .
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