Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [verb] down [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Suddenly a Hurricane came down in a screaming dive and splashed into the sea .
2 And the little goblin followed Yanek up the mountain until they reached a high , lonely place where a waterfall ran down into a deep pool .
3 Kenamun had not removed his gaze from Huy , who began to feel like a specimen , or , worse , a snake stared down by a mongoose .
4 Now , suddenly , a jay looks down from a hiding place in a lichened oak and slips away without breaking the silence : stealthy , cunning , typical of the inveterate egg thief .
5 Halfway up , the stream poured out from some hidden source and fell in a silver smoke down to a pool .
6 He also saw that if the parties did not approve of a rule laid down by a court — a ‘ certain rule ’ — they could choose to vary it by contract .
7 We speak of a judgement in a particular case or of a rule laid down in a judgement as being undoubtedly according to law , but as being ‘ unfair ’ or ‘ unjust ’ or ‘ inequitable ’ .
8 A girl sits down with a man and he says , ‘ I 'm very romantic ’ — that 's advertising .
9 A girl sits down with a man and he says , ‘ What you need is a good romance and it so happens I 'm very romantic ’ — that 's marketing .
10 A girl sits down with a man and she says , ‘ I hear you 're very romantic , please take me to dinner ’ — that 's Public Relations !
11 The silver thread of a stream ran down to a crescent-shaped beach .
12 Another half-hour 's walking brought me to Cow Dub where a stream thunders down from a lip of flowstone , crashing through a narrow tubular cavern to scour out a perfectly formed round pool below .
13 There is the added irritation of having the picture interfered with and the screen takes a moment to settle down after a restart .
14 Isambard caught up both , and stood for a moment staring down with a formidable frown at Harry , who nursed his bruised wrists and glared back , expecting a blow and tensing every muscle to receive it without a tremor .
15 So the silhouette of the Dalek actually came directly from the shape of a person sitting down in a chair .
16 To find out what effect this has on the perch 's eggs , and how much the minnows gain from the ploy , Reiko Baba of Japan 's Osaka City University spent up to six hours a day face down in a stream , armed with a snorkel and face mask .
17 When the Titanic was finally located on the sea-bed a crew went down in a tiny submarine to explore the wreckage .
18 THE family of a father mown down by a suspected drink-driver wept at his funeral yesterday and spoke of forgiveness .
19 Their congregations of ‘ Independents ’ were justly named in a society settling down to a long period of outward conformity and growing indifference to religion .
20 A man leaped down from a window five storeys high and drowned in the river .
21 ‘ None of the electronic or automatic systems work , so each time you bowl , a man jumps down from a shelf behind the pins at the end of your lane , switches the light off , resets the pins , jumps back onto his shelf and switches the light back on ! ’ she said .
22 There 's a garden going down to a stream .
23 It could have been a glass put down upon a table .
24 There 's a swimming pool and sauna , and a path leads down to a private lakeside beach , and being a castle style hotel , there 's plenty of style .
25 clay , other than pottery , which has been deliberately subjected to heat ( e.g. walls and bases of kilns and hearths , metal-production debris such as tuyeres and furnaces , core material remaining in bronzes after casting on a clay core ) , or heated accidentally ( e.g. daub from a house burnt down in a fire )
26 It is a production bogged down by a Brussels-like bureaucracy , from the union dominated actions of the orchestra ( whose buzzing watch-alarms alert them to a coffee break mid- aria ) to the backstabbing officials protecting their patch with petty politics .
27 ' On each side of this extensive structure there is a street running down to a wider street at the back , which is 40 feet in width , including the footpaths .
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