Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [verb] [adv prt] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The deal provokes further speculation that Rowland is preparing the way for a successor to take over the group he has led for 30 years .
2 A DRIVER called out the AA to repair an oil leak after he hit a frozen turkey lying in the road .
3 The new Prime Minister was obliged , yesterday morning , to send a driver to find out the telephone number of one of his key ministers , before Mr Singh could pass on the good news of his appointment .
4 A stolen refrigerated truck drives the wrong way up the autobahn — that was seen by a driver coming up the northbound lane — and Tweed 's Mercedes was somewhere not far ahead .
5 ‘ All three put up a struggle to fight off the attacker .
6 On the night of Saturday 27 June a gang broke down the door of one of the galleries of the unguarded archaeological museum on the Cycladic island of Paros and stole eighteen exhibits , mostly marble figurines , dated to the Cycladic early Bronze Age ( 3200–2100 BC ) , with an estimated value of just under £300,000 .
7 If ever a sentence summed up the gale of change that is blasting through Yorkshire cricket this season it is that one .
8 but still he fought , kicking and struggling until a blow blotted out the world ...
9 They pause , watching her long walk across the grass , a supplicant walking up the cathedral nave , she has a sense of awe , her hands are cold and damp in spite of the heat .
10 From July it will be illegal for anyone other than a vet to carry out the operation .
11 Cheshire Railtours are planning a rail tour up the WCML to Carlisle and return via the S & C on Saturday 17th April 1993 , cost £20 .
12 The input/output address of the VidiPC card can be easily changed by setting a jumper switch on the board .
13 A horse came down the ramp in one bound , as if on wings , hit the concrete in a shower of sparks .
14 I knew that I would get a lift on a boat going up the canal .
15 Merchants came next , men and women , then a prostitute ; a beggar brought up the rear , these allegorical figures representing the inescapable gradations of decay .
16 The bank had arranged for a four-wheeler to pick up the messenger , round the back of the building .
17 The disadvantage is that they require a transformer to step down the voltage , which either means fairly expensive fittings ( incorporating the transformer so they can replace existing fittings ) , or expensive wiring from a central transformer to the light fittings — low voltage means high current , so the wires have to be much bigger than normal lighting wiring .
18 A soldier pointed out the strangers to his commanding officer .
19 Some late night joy-riding fool of a soldier ripping up the beach with his big truck tyres ?
20 This provides a classic instance of a president taking on the legislature in the most important of policy areas and succeeding in imposing his will .
21 Inside the weight room a tape blared out the music of The Doors to remove the tedium of the hour-and-a-half session spent lifting , pushing and battling with weights .
22 The question was left open in Davies v Flackett [ 1973 ] RTR 8 , where the accused drove off without paying from a car park while a stranger held up the barrier .
23 Then , distant beyond the broad bowl full of skeleton walls , she saw the headlights of a car pass on the road to Silcaster , sweeping eerily across the filigree of stonework and grass , and vanishing again at the turn of the highway .
24 I could feel the different textures of wood , gravel and asphalt racing beneath my fingers as they came to rest on the road , and was terrified of a car coming up the cul-de-sac and smashing my hand .
25 He heard a burst of gunfire and saw a car disappearing down the Glen Road .
26 I worked it out , from things Barbara Coleman told me , and I hitched a lift in a car going up the valley and walked the last mile or two .
27 For example , if I measure a car traveling down the highway , I might think it had moved only one kilometer , but to someone on the sun , it would have moved about 1,800 kilometers , because the earth would have moved while the car was going down the road .
28 the pretty girl victim … four months after The Fox subjected her to a three-hour sex ordeal — and forced her brother and her boyfriend at gunpoint to perform degrading acts with her — the girl crawled into an airing cupboard in a bid to shut out the memories .
29 Graham Kelly , FA chief executive , yesterday morning abandoned England 's team headquarters in Santander to fly to London in a bid to sort out the crisis .
30 A NEW reward of £5,000 has been offered in a bid to track down the killer of sunbather Ann Heron .
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