Example sentences of "a [noun sg] [verb] [adv] as a " in BNC.

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1 Our subsequent participation has been conditional upon our acceptance of the inevitable — a curriculum constructed historically as a reflection of men 's ideas , assumptions and priorities , presented as objective truth : and a view of women informed by a range of ideologies collectively based upon notions of male supremacy .
2 Critical analysis , one student journal proclaimed , ‘ generally produces results more significant than the best creative work now being written , ’ a judgement offered not as a complaint but as a boast :
3 And yet Raskolnikov 's greater enormity is that having forgotten to bolt the door after killing the money-lender he is surprised by her half-sister , the woman who mends linen and has mended his in her time , apparently always pregnant , through simplicity , not waywardness , meek-eyed though ‘ she looks like a soldier dressed up as a woman ’ ( who but Dostoevsky ! ) and Raskolnikov kills Lizaveta too .
4 Then the horn , and a hound yelped briefly as a whip cracked .
5 They believe that the operating system of a nome starts off as a goose .
6 Assuming that we know how the phonemes of a particular word would be realised when the word was pronounced in isolation , when we find a phoneme realised differently as a result of being near some other phoneme belonging to a neighbouring word we call this an instance of assimilation .
7 David Holmes of Dorling Kindersley fielded the accusation of ‘ unfair play ’ : ‘ The DK Family Library is a business set up as a networking operation , along the lines of Tupperware , ’ he said .
8 This is not a departure from random methods since these are used within the strata ; it is simply a job done beforehand as a precaution against freak random results if the distribution of the special factors in the population is accurately known beforehand .
9 What makes The Rape so durably haunting is not its ( rather banal ) conceit of a woman viewed literally as a sex object , but the fact that it is that woman with that neck and that terrifying and terrified hair .
10 The competition brief called for a tower to act primarily as a landmark .
11 Unashamed nostalgia makes Radio Days ( RCA / Columbia , PG ) a gem to wallow in as a family of Jewish misfits huddle round their wireless at the start of the Second World War .
12 Well the new edition 's just come out and it 's in the shops shortly , it 's priced sixty five pounds , and as usual they 've let Radio Oxford have a copy to give away as a prize .
13 What often starts as a trickle finishes up as a torrent of new ideas .
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