Example sentences of "a [adj] [adj] years ['s] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 After a further six years ' wait ( during which my original proposer and seconder had died and their nominations had been taken up by two ex-captains ) , my name came up for election again , and this time , I was told , the opposition from members , particularly those in the legal profession who were friends of Lord Robertson , was fiercer .
2 Existing gainers of the subsidy would presumably be given a further five years ' grace , and new recruits would similarly benefit .
3 He did a further two years ' apprenticeship at Covent Garden , and then six years back at the Arts Council in finance department .
4 Former Bangladesh President Hussain Mohammad Ershad was sentenced on Feb. 3 to a further three years ' imprisonment for illegally amassing some 19,000,000 taka ( about US$510,450 ) .
5 A further three years ' non-residence , as well as the revenues already held for three years without ordination and without papal dispensation' .
6 A further three years ' non-residence , as well as the revenues of Ightham , were also granted to him by papal indult .
7 For example , in Birmingham in 1973 a young mugger was sentenced to a draconian 20 years ' detention amid enormous publicity , and yet this sentence made no difference to the incidence of mugging offences in Birmingham or in other areas ( Baxter and Nuttall , 1975 ; Beyleveld , 1990 : 157 ) .
8 ‘ It has taken a long 10 years ' work to get Australia to where we are now yet it can disappear so quickly .
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