Example sentences of "a [adv] different [noun] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 So through that dismal day Hugh Templar sat at his kitchen table and pursued the adventures of a team of space-travellers who had discovered a world directly behind the sun , which was a mirror-image of our own Earth , with the same physical composition , but with a rather different kind of population , a race having strange and , I hoped , thought-provoking ideas about how to run their planet …
2 A rather different type of argument suggests there may be strategic advantages in manufacturers remaining separate from retailers , whilst having distinct linkages .
3 Hilary said the same thing , in a rather different tone of voice , over the breakfast table next morning to his parents .
4 Atkinson and Coleman offer a rather different view of bureaucracy under corporatist conditions .
5 She is described as ‘ a decent-looking workgirl , employed at a mineral water factory ’ , and hers is a rather different tale of woe .
6 ‘ The owner of the restaurant might have a rather different point of view . ’
7 Direct evidence of a rather different sort of learning comes from a study of great reed warblers and cuckoos , also in Central Japan , undertaken by Arnon Lotem and Amotz Zahavi of Tel-Aviv University , in collaboration with Dr Nakamura .
8 Intra-medium decisions — where to put the ads within a chosen medium or media group — allow for a rather different form of judgement , and have available rather more coherent research standards .
9 There are also several poison arrow frogs of South America that show a rather different form of cannibalism .
10 A wholly different dynamic of change can be seen in the semi-conductor industry .
11 Many of our partners have a wholly different tradition of employment practice which is reflected in the separate arrangements which they have agreed , which will affect only their countries and for which only they will pay .
12 The membership of this minority was never defined , nor was its need for a fundamentally different kind of teaching explained or justified .
13 Already AMV is a somewhat different type of advertising creature from the founding partnership .
14 I think one of the things the American companies often do is that , rather than set up on a green field site , they often buy into an existing company , erm , and therefore it 's , it 's , it 's a , it 's a somewhat different form of investment to the
15 They will have a totally different interpretation of family life and of the so-called moral nature of the matter .
16 A totally different type of behaviour characterises thirty-four-year-old Martin Von Ostrowksi whose exhibition entitled ‘ Aggressive Romantik ’ is at Galerie Nikolaus Sonne ( until 24 October ) .
17 The regime established under the European Convention is able to be and in fact is of a totally different order of effectiveness — this for two reasons :
18 But it remains as ACTIVELY PROJECTED — a totally different kind of projection , of course .
19 But it was to a totally different kind of person to whom he confessed his total loneliness .
20 Things would n't have kept what you would have had a totally different kind of eating habits ?
21 Well thank you very much , it 's obviously a totally different point of view to what we 'll hear perhaps in a few minutes .
22 Pulling is a totally different sort of problem .
23 Well , it may be simulating the same sport , but it 's a totally different sort of game .
24 Beyond Our Ken was a different situation entirely from Hancock 's Half Hour , partly due to the fact that its leading character was a totally different sort of personality .
25 However it speedily became apparent that for us , oil was a totally different sort of business , requiring a different sort of perspective .
26 In order to make their claim that his decentred totality is still expressive and therefore essentialist , they have to ignore the arguments about temporality in the critique of the Hegelian essential section as ‘ the co-existence of presence ’ , and thus fail to do justice to the way in which Althusser constructs , as Foucault puts it , ‘ a counter-memory — a transformation of history into a totally different form of time ’ .
27 A slightly different type of case is illustrated by the French feminine noun la sentinelle ( the guard ) , which usually refers to a man , and the masculine noun le ministre ( minister in the government ) , which may refer to a woman .
28 Because some of the features are handled by add-on software , like Inset and Star Exchange , you suddenly find yourself with a slightly different set of menu commands to learn .
29 A hard disk is usually built into the computer and is a slightly different form of storage .
30 Divertimento gives you a chance of looking a second time , without much delay , from a slightly different point of view .
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