Example sentences of "a [noun] out [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Now they were seeping into the consciousness of people within a milieu which , rejecting straight left politics , was searching for a route out of a hippy enclave at a time when the political temperature was rising .
2 Richmond was the first black man to find in sport a route out of the despair and misery which were integral parts of his enslavement .
3 For most of the women , paid work had been a route out of the family and domestic and financial dependence .
4 A land-use survey was made on a route out of the city centre — in this case Mansfield Road , and the land use and building use were noted on a rough map ( see fig 3 ) .
5 Yeah we thought it important to send to you because we are , you know , a bit out of the way that 's all and erm people tend to go zipping past and have to go up to the roundabout and come all the way back down again cos it 's quite a busy road this and
6 This is something a bit out of the ordinary .
7 They 're pricey , mind , but good if you want something a bit out of the ordinary . ’
8 If anyone would like to share their story with other readers , whether it 's happy , sad , amusing or just a bit out of the ordinary , then please write to us at the usual address .
9 It 's a bit out of the Town .
10 You just , you live quite a bit out of the shop .
11 Slice the top off and scoop a bit out from the middle .
12 ‘ I try to keep the grey cells working , ’ I shouted back , more to reassure him that I had n't done a runner out of the kitchen window .
13 He also took a stick out of the packet of Edinburgh rock he had bought on the first day .
14 Mr Bresslaw had collapsed once before , in October last year , and on that occasion he had to be carried on a stretcher out of a show business dinner .
15 ‘ Where did you get that , darling , ’ he touched it lightly with a finger , as if it were a toy out of a cracker .
16 ‘ Bloody lucky ’ — he spoke like a harp out of the strings of half-constructed fabric — ‘ that this old Schliemann-Hoffer has already caught its finger quota for today .
17 With as many flats as a Parisian tower block and the ‘ pits ’ affording no more than a shove out of the sand , it was 16 days before the old fort hove into view 338Km after Algiers had disappeared from the rear-view mirror .
18 Two Portuguese legionnaires dragged a Scotsman out of the door before he was sick .
19 A success both in front of the box and on the critics ' pages CHANCER created a vogue out of a rogue — the identity of Stephen Crane ( Clive Owen 's role ) catching the attention of the country and reflecting the social changes in the early 90's as the enterprise culture began to take a tumble .
20 We had screens on wheels in latter years at , last few years at school and er he used to go down to the tea room for a cup of tea half way down the stairs , the teachers ' room and perhaps go toilet as well , and er the one at the back was a foot out from the screen and every now and then he 'd have a look to see if he was coming and er we , what had had a big case with birds in and the lads who were doing it looked in this , saw the reflection and shh he 's coming .
21 He interrupted her thoughts and showed he was himself still on the same track , for he observed , ‘ I 've been called many things in my time , but never a bully , or , ’ he frowned again , ‘ a megalomaniac out of a horror movie . ’
22 Adam took a look out of the window of the bedroom that had been Hilbert 's .
23 Whoever was in the flat must have heard the muffled sound of the closing door and was going through into the bedroom to have a look out of the window .
24 So I got up to have a look out of the side window .
25 They 're bringing it in tomorrow so just shows just goes to show that if you put a plea out on the radio , you prayers can be answered sometimes .
26 It is not like picking a brick out of a brick wall but of creating the shape of a brick in a concrete wall .
27 He kissed the top of her head , and moved on to get a saucepan out of the oven .
28 It 's an amusing game however , as you struggle for a seat out of the wind at the cairn to eat your peanut butter sandwiches , trying to guess which way everyone will go when they smack their lips , wipe their hands on their breeches and get up to leave .
29 It is easy to feel stifled with the massive tower blocks and hordes of people , and a trip up the hills behind the city or on a boat out into the South China Sea helps give a better perspective of the place .
30 Leeds could pass a side out of the game and dominate through the midfield something the scum are YET TO DO even with scumtona .
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