Example sentences of "a [noun] at the [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 's a case at the moment that I can not go ahead with the case because I can not afford £700 , ’ said Barbara .
2 There is even a bit at the end where the singer metaphorically falls to his knees and testifies .
3 He explained this extraordinary assertion to his family by saying that the aristocratic rule of primogeniture was the same as that by which Jesus Christ had inherited the kingdom of heaven ( at which his daughter , Nancy , remarked , ‘ Oh , I thought you meant it would be a blow at the faith because the Lord 's son would lose the right to choose the clergyman . ’ ) .
4 I was recently in a top Dublin record shop , looking for a copy of ‘ Bleach ’ by Nirvana , as recommended by top H.P. scribe Mick O'Hara , when who did I see making a purchase at the counter but the diminutive indie kid himself .
5 I do n't know if anybody 's ever seen those but you can actually have a computer at the side and a thing that sits on there and you can change and up on the screen it will appear what 's on the screen on the computer .
6 A flicker at the window and a faint cackling echo of thunder laughed at him .
7 His parents — his father was a clerk at the docks and his mother a schoolmistress — were never rich but they were very literate and they encouraged their son to read , observe and learn .
8 Let's have a look at the ones that they 've given you .
9 They can have a look at the originals if they like as well .
10 By now it was the rush hour and he was squeezed into the corner of a carriage by a family of Swedish tourists who talked loudly and without vowels and continuously trafficked maps and guidebooks across him , so there was no chance of getting a look at the diaries or the few folded sheets of paper that were wedged between them .
11 It is already accepted in money laundering for example , that er the f fraud is an international crime and it would be interesting to hear er what steps the minister is proposing to take to have a look at the problem that undoubtedly was er raised in the B C C I report .
12 Now I 'm letting you have a look at the sea before we call on her .
13 I promised to have a look at the dig and point out where the tessellated pavement should be .
14 Instead of looking at the brochure why not come down right now and have a look at the surgery and building ? ’
15 A huddle of passengers gathered round the steps of the carriage to get a look at the reading and , lest their breathing distort the figure , Nadia held it aloft like a fish between finger and thumb .
16 ‘ Let's have a look at the river and get some air , ’ he murmured in her ear .
17 But I would be grateful if you would keep them to yourself And I 'd like you to have a look at the blotter and see whether you can remember what it looked like on Monday .
18 You can walk all round and have a look at the things and then go to the end and pay .
19 Well let us us have a look at the figures if we could .
20 But he this was a week and a half ago and he said , give me a couple of weeks , I want to have a look at the figures and the mix and have a think about it and I 'll come back to you .
21 Well I ca n't say that everybody 's going to be dancing in the streets , those who are teachers in the sixth forms in the schools that will be affected , but I think again you 've got to have a look at the overall and longer term provision of these things .
22 ‘ We can have a look at the barn and see if the loft is still empty , ’ she told Shirley .
23 I hope you will take a look at the document and do whatever you can to ensure its recommendations are taken up in the final version of the regulations .
24 Why do n't you have a look at the manuscript while I get dinner on ? ’
25 Edward Hirst , whose 11-year-old son is undergoing treatment for leukaemia , said : ‘ Our message to the Government is ‘ Come and have a look at the work that is done here ’ .
26 It is important therefore to have a look at the reliefs and exemptions that may be available .
27 Let's have a look at the Aberdeen cos I did work on the Aberdeen
28 To see why , start with a look at the pros and cons of Mr Codd 's creation .
29 You know what a prime number is , and we had a quick look at , we had a look at the primes that even odd , did n't we ?
30 You can go and have a look at the radar if you want ?
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