Example sentences of "a [noun] to [art] [noun pl] ' " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'm sure your wrong , ’ said Anna , but she remembered how Maria Jakob had said that if the money was not forthcoming she must think of something else , a way to make up to her for Melusina 's death , and she had not meant a donation to the Cats ' Protection League .
2 It happened with me , when at the age of 18 , I took up pen and paper to make a reply to the readers ' letters column of the Glasgow Evening Times , in answer to a man who supported the rise of Nazism in Germany .
3 Last week I gave a talk to a parents ' committee in one of our schools on how to make a constitution — I felt I was contributing to the growth of grass roots democracy in South Africa .
4 Adult education , and thus the sustaining of literacy , a key to the Sandinistas ' policy , was particularly badly hit in all regions by logistical problems , and by lack of money and materials .
5 He believes a key to the projects ' success lies in the continuity it brings to children 's lives .
6 It is perhaps a reminder to the parties ' advisers to encourage the parties to have one final read through the engrossments before execution .
7 Nevertheless , it is a tribute to the miners ' ingenuity and perseverance that 19 of the 21 mines laid were successfully detonated .
8 There is an appeal against a notice to a magistrates ' court , but there is no express provision for representations prior to service of the notice .
9 There is an appeal against a notice to a magistrates ' court , but there is no express provision for representations prior to service of the notice .
10 The arrival of the Bosigran guide has provoked a complaint to the Climbers ' Club from local activist Rowland Edwards that a comment in the historical section , which claims he is unwilling to release information on his new routes , has misrepresented his position .
11 It is usually possible to adapt a game to the learners ' age group , needs or special interests .
12 To find out more details about these and local events send a SAE to The Ramblers ' Association , 1/5 Wandsworth Road , London SW8 2XX or telephone 071 582 6878 .
13 The proposals implied too serious a threat to the counties ' precious Sunday revenues , and were substantially rejected despite some compromise on the structure of the Championship , which in 1988 came to include six four-day matches .
14 The new building had both an organ and stained glass windows and was meant as a memorial to the brothers ' parents .
15 The nine year-old collie cross was one of several ‘ patients ’ seen by the princess during a visit to the Peoples ' Dispensary for Sick Animals , Richmond Terrace , Liverpool .
16 The nine year-old collie cross was one of several ‘ patients ’ introduced to Her Royal Highness during a visit to the Peoples ' Dispensary for Sick Animals , Richmond Terrace , Liverpool .
17 Traditionally the vendor would be a party to the shareholders ' agreement and will give an appropriate undertaking to each of the shareholders .
18 ( Ullmann-Margalit ( 1977 ) gives a recent analysis , though the outlines of the idea that sanctioned norms can represent a solution to the Prisoners ' Dilemma can be found in Hobbes . )
19 He admits WABI is alluring to the vendor but then damningly turns and claims it 's a solution to the vendors ' problem not the customers ' .
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