Example sentences of "a [noun] i [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 First , a trick I learnt from a newspaper article about a discovery in psychology .
2 Always ready for a dip I leapt into the water and grabbed hold of an elderly lady with neat little curls and bifocals on the end of her nose .
3 On the other hand , I 've been as happy as a turkey in January , and all because of a story I spotted in a medical magazine , stating that regular lashings of oily fish cut sharply your chances of having a heart attack .
4 Unless one supposes there to be two categorially different kinds of appearances presented to the mind it will then seem that this flat circle must be the only object of visual perception , and the round globe I seem to see , the epistemic appearance , must really be a judgement I mistake for a sensation .
5 I am also grateful to the Friends of St Cecilia 's Hall and the Russell Collection for a grant I received from the J. J. K. Rhodes Bursary Fund towards the research for this paper .
6 A noise I recognized among the eternal wastes of silence .
7 There was a newsflash I caught of a big pile-up on the E 35 autobahn outside Freiburg … ’
8 I had never been a member of the Labour Party , and on the first occasion when I could claim a vote I voted for the Liberal candidate in the Hampstead constituency .
9 For a term I lived in a room which looked out straight across to the tower .
10 so it er , it were running alright then , and er I took it for a spin I went round the block , up Robin Hood Way
11 Let me give you the text of a talk I gave to the Bridport Women 's Institute , before the Scandal , and when Julian and I were still developing our blueprint for the world of the future .
12 ‘ 'When I was a child I spake as a child , I understood as a child , I thought as a child , but when I became a man , I put away childish things .
13 There 's a pen I think in the white box behind you .
14 In a dream I went to the pictures , in Germany I think .
15 So in a panic I went into a room , closed the door , and started screaming until I got hoarse .
16 A girl I met at a party on Saturday night . ’
17 When I was a boy I belonged to a small Christian sect that was my whole world .
18 As a boy I helped with the hay-making and cleaned out the cow-sheds .
19 Of the other two paintings , one is a picture of a friend , a girl who was also a student , posing in the same life-room , and the other , a portrait I made of a fellow student and good friend of mine from the Royal Academy , James Tower , who became a noted ceramicist .
20 With a sigh I went on a few steps further to George 's office and found him as I 'd expected , fully dressed , lightly napping , with worked-on forms pushed to one side beside an empty coffee cup .
21 It was just a fantasy I nurtured for a few years as I puffed and panted my way through the ten-foots and alleyways of downtown Hull .
22 Gripping the ski-poles I tried to keep myself steady as the velocity increased and then , all of a sudden I sailed over the edge and felt myself going head over heels towards a white mass of snow far below .
23 The editor 's look suggests displeasure , but I am too elated to worry and with a skip I whirl into the revolving doors and out laughing into the night.But now , what a fiasco !
24 For a moment I toyed with the idea of getting back to the ship , lifting off and going a comfortingly long way away .
25 ( Copied from the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society , A.D. 1808 ) : Sir , According to your request , I send you an account of the facts I have ascertained , respecting a canal I discovered in the year 1803 in the medulla spinalis of the horse , bullock , sheep , hog and dog : and should it appear to you deserving of being laid before the Royal Society , I shall feel myself particularly obliged by having so great an honour conferred upon me .
26 Surely our new 18p stamp should not be printed as I8p with a Roman I followed by an arabic 8 .
27 It 's great , Frankie boy ; I 'm keeping to the fields and the woods and walking a lot and getting lifts and when I get near a town I look for a good fat juicy dog and I make friends with it and take it out to the woods and then I kill it and eat it .
28 But a good spy is supposed to take risks , so after a while I tiptoed along the passage to Claire 's door and peeped in .
29 For a while I stared into the clockface of an antique charity-box .
30 The house that I was actually born in is still there , number twenty five er after a while I moved across the road to a bigger house when , cos my mother had an another son and a daughter and then we moved over to the , so when we were quite a bit in the Stoke area .
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