Example sentences of "a [noun] [adv] [adv] [adv] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 . Breathe a bit more gently then if you wish .
2 A small boy rounds up chickens with a stick twice as long as himself .
3 As a verb it means simply ‘ to copulate ’ and the Supplement to the Oxford English Dictionary traces its literary use as a verb as far back as 1503 , when the poet ( and sometime Franciscan friar ) William Dunbar included this line in one of his verses : ‘ Be his feiris he wald have fukkit ’ .
4 One blind six-year-old could even steer a tricycle almost as skilfully as a sighted child .
5 However , I did need to have a piss even more desparately than before .
6 Still , it might be worth booking a session as soon afterwards as you can manage it , even if that is the next day .
7 So that was a shame really as far as I 'm concerned .
8 I can put a point rather more crudely than the Lord put it , but I realise that the present Government find it inconceivable , one day they will be in opposition , but I do wonder if they would have shown quite the same enthusiasm for this solution if it had been forthcoming from a Labour Government .
9 He 's , he 's got ta get a , get a place though somewhere else when he gets married .
10 In fact , Lance Percival came to a conclusion as long ago as when the One Over The Eight show was still running that Ken would n't have minded if his comedy days had been over , too .
11 She had now reached the age when one starts looking for a husband rather more systematically than one does at nineteen or even at twenty-one .
12 They also take up an extraordinary amount of memory , the four together gobble up 91K which is more than double that required by SideKick and a quarter as much again as Spotlight .
13 Blackbirds , wrens and some others will mock a ferret just as readily as they mock any other predator .
14 Tree shrews are usually 6–10 in ( 15–25 cm ) in length with a tail as long again as their body .
15 Theirs is a life apart as far as we are concerned .
16 She now drew her chin into her chest and in a voice almost as deep as a man 's she said , ‘ And you dare to tell me to shut up , me ! who 's given her life to you .
17 By the sixth week , Charlie could strip and clean a rifle almost as quickly as Tommy , but it was his friend who turned out to be a crack shot and seemed to be able to hit anything that moved at two hundred yards .
18 An instrument appointing a proxy shall be in writing , executed by or on behalf of the appointer and shall be in the following form ( or in a form as near thereto as circumstances allow or in any other form which is usual or which the Directors may approve ) : —
19 Where it is desired to afford members an opportunity of instructing the proxy how he shall act the instrument appointing a proxy shall be in the following form ( or in a form as near thereto as circumstances allow or in any other form which is usual or which the Directors may approve ) : —
20 An instrument appointing a proxy shall be in writing , executed by or on behalf of the appointer and shall be in the following form ( or in a form as near thereto as circumstances allow or in any other form which is usual or which the Directors may approve ) : —
21 Where it is desired to afford members an opportunity of instructing the proxy how he shall act the instrument appointing a proxy shall be in the following form ( or in a form as near thereto as circumstances allow or in any other form which is usual or which the Directors may approve ) : —
22 A report as long ago as 1975 found that more than two-thirds of Yorkshire 's water mains needed replacing , mainly because of corrosion .
23 These days it is imperative — if you want success , anyway — to be able to get about the field and give and take a pass nearly as well as a back .
24 The trouble for the Tory whips , and for such organisers of backbench opinion as the Chairman of the 1922 Committee , Cranley Onslow , was that far too many Conservative contenders appeared : Peter Brooke , the former Ulster Secretary ; Terence Higgins , a minister as long ago as Ted Heath 's government , and chairman of the Treasury Select Committee ; Sir Giles Shaw , another officer of the '22 ; Paul Channon , another former cabinet minister ; Dame Janet Fookes , some Tories ' hope as the first woman Speaker .
25 ‘ It 's OK — I know we 're still a breed apart as far as many people are concerned .
26 We were gon na move into a house just down here when we erm one of these ones , like a flat one of those
27 As early as 1707 Hugh , first Earl of Cholmondeley [ q.v. ] , was advised by a surveyor in London that the Smiths did a ‘ great deal of busness in the Contry and they have done a great deal of work thearabout & in Warwick you may easy hear of them ’ ; and when in the 1730s Sarah , Duchess of Marlborough [ q.v. ] , was building a house as far away as Wimbledon , Surrey , she stipulated that ‘ Mr. Smith of Warwickshire the Builder may be employed to make Contracts and to Measure the Work and to doe every thing in his Way that is necessary to Compleat the Work as far as the Distance he is at will give him leave to do . ’
28 Clearly , though , the description of being brown and round fits a table much more easily than it does wine .
29 It falls foul of one of the cardinal principles of the law of trusts : the principle of benefit , which states that a person can be validly appointed a trustee only so far as he has received benefits intended by the settlor under the settlor 's will .
30 What has bitten ‘ us ’ , the transpersonal Gadarene motif of The Possessed , manifests itself through the dotty plan for a dinner just as eloquently as through the murder in the park .
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