Example sentences of "a [noun] [adj] at [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I 've had a package at long last er back from EARS er but I have n't actually erm put it onto the computer yet because it 's erm it 's proving a bit temperamental at the moment and I did n't want to risk overloading it with with yet another er software package u until I 've had it seen to .
2 Erm and although it was erm you know , it was good and the people themselves enjoyed talking to each other as well , it was a bit tiring at the end of the day .
3 Over lunch I overheard Bernadette say to Sarah who 'd just started with us then , Ricky 's a bit strange at the moment because he 's just been on a course , but he 'll be better next week .
4 They 're a bit hesitant at the moment .
5 ‘ It 's a bit awkward at the moment .
6 ‘ I thought Spartak were a bit lax at the back over there , and let's be fair , we gave them a soft goal .
7 ‘ I thought Spartak were a bit lax at the back over there , and let's be fair , we gave them a soft goal .
8 I 'm a bit skint at the moment . ’
9 Erm it 's a bit off-putting at the start because it 's got the two scales on .
10 The M4 has been a bit slow although only eastbound , and the M25 is still a bit sluggish at the Thames Valley because of an accident , mainly on the clockwise carriageway by the M4 interchange , it 's just er a little slow with a couple of miles queue either side of the M4 interchange itself .
11 Bit ti er it 's a bit restrictive at the moment to er , without transport is n't it ?
12 A bit nervous at the start I was , I di had n't been in aeroplane , you know .
13 He says money 's a bit scarce at the moment .
14 The whole of what 's usually called the Intelligence Community 's feeling a bit frisky at the moment .
15 ‘ I 'm sorry if I was a bit sharp at the meeting this afternoon , ’ he said gruffly .
16 Look , we 're a bit quiet at the moment , so why do n't you take an extra ten minutes on your tea break and go and see her ?
17 Rocking rolling I 'm a bit hyper at the moment .
18 He must be feeling just a bit silly at the moment after showing his lack of faith in me yesterday with his home remedies and his general attitude .
19 Indeed the recent evidence on plasmids can be seen as beautiful supporting evidence for the conjectures near bottom of page 182 ( which seemed a bit wild at the time ) .
20 ‘ If you spent your time doing 25 laps with a thousand gear changes , sweating in a flame-proof suit and helmet then you 'd want to look a bit glamorous at the end of the day , ’ she said , The splendid lady in charge of raffle tickets for RUKBA seemed very knowledgeable about Washington .
21 ‘ I 'd find that a bit difficult at the moment .
22 Well also the rest of it 's going to look a bit weird at the bottom is n't it ?
23 Things are just a bit weird at the moment .
24 er I mean I know it 's a bit messy at the moment , I ai n't washed it since last time you see !
25 I telephoned your Ma yesterday , to hear that things were a bit depressing at the school and in the country generally .
26 I was a bit confused at the start too , but then once you read
27 That toaster 's a bit unpredictable at the moment .
28 Yeah it went er it went it went a bit wrong at the beginning because as I say you did it with business card and er buyer 's guide , that came in a after the erm statement of purpose really .
29 I was a bit flustered at the time so I do n't really know what he said .
30 Were you a bit concerned at the time making the decision ?
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