Example sentences of "a [noun] [pron] [be] [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It 's marvellous that the Brighton Corporation came in , but nevertheless the building to perform a function which is going to be useful for the community as a whole has got to be properly funded .
2 Sir James was reported as having called for a return of capital punishment , launched an attack on the parole system , favoured the abolition of the right to silence for accused persons , referred to a black person as a ‘ nig-nog ’ , and made a remark about ‘ murderous Sikhs ’ involved in a case he was hearing at the time .
3 It 's a bit I was thinking of doing it wider .
4 ‘ More quantifiably , there 's been a significant improvement in productivity and activity out of a budget which is increasing in real terms but not by much .
5 Erm we which is actually putting forward a budget which is responding to what the Policy Committee asks us to do .
6 I would go on a course which is gon na give you the qualifications that are gon na pay you a good sa salary .
7 So anyway I went to Index cos I want I want and a watch I 'm looking for a watch cos , and I thought oh aye I come to rings , I thought well I owe her a ring so I thought oh better half eternity ring they 're cheap anyway .
8 A detective-constable who was talking to me later told me that it 's one of the Whistler 's trademarks .
9 I became very much more conscious of people , because when you 're a scientist you 're dealing with inanimate matter , unless you 're a biologist .
10 Trying to ignore the disturbing effect he had on her heart-rate , she said crisply , ‘ Well , if it 's a fight you 're hoping for … ’
11 In this case , the transfer is being made off a camcorder which is acting as the source-machine ; the record-machine is a VCR which need not be of the same format .
12 In a bedroom you 're looking for something at one ninety nine or two ninety nine .
13 Because if you 're speaking from a script you 're going to be speaking like this .
14 Although he could see no more than the man 's black outline , he sensed it was a rival he was moving towards , one who saw himself as having rights in the moor , even rights of possession over it .
15 Instead of people having to read up the words in a dictionary it 's gon na be a sound dictionary .
16 But then he realised he 'd lost the manuscript for a biography he 's writing on the nineteenth century painter James Whistler .
17 If it 's jewellery it 's harder , it will show up , erm if you 're marking things like engagements rings , then the best thing to do is actually take photographs of them with a ruler or some sort of erm comparison of the size of the item cos if you do like a a ring on a photograph it 's gon na , it 's gon na come out like a , so if you got a ruler to say , you know , it 's only sort of one and a half inches in width or whatever , then we can actually get a clear picture of , of that .
18 Then with a splash she was plunging into the crystal-clear water , and , an instant later , bobbing unharmed to the surface .
19 By the time we are all set to go to a club I am teetering on the brink .
20 Among the former are many participles , both present and past : ( 26 ) the watching crowd started to laugh he was greeted by smiling well-wishers the injured man had been feeding the orang-utan but participles do not exhaust the possibilities : ( 27 ) the angry bartender slammed the drink down five empty tumblers were standing by his elbow Notice , too , the clear ambiguity of : ( 28 ) a flashing light as meaning either a light which is flashing on some particular occasion , or one which normally has this characteristic .
21 I see my task as a weaver who is looking for threads to weave together .
22 ‘ Ihre Kameraden , ’ said a soldier who was sitting by the window .
23 He remembers driving up the road a few years ago and accosting a stranger who was dabbling in a stream with what looked like a frying-pan .
24 There is a particular kind of French personality who always pronounce the word francais as if it were a football he is heading towards less privileged mortals .
25 There is nothing more annoying to a journalist who is working on a story than to be told that the PRO will ring back with the relevant numbers and then not to get them for another two or three days .
26 But while there 's a man sitting respectably in a car no-one 's gon na break into the other cars .
27 A car he was heading for to draw his next breath suddenly drove off .
28 Can I put in a bid I 'm working with er er Dave Williams on the launch of this drugs hotline and there 's a need to do quite a large mailshot of the posters in the
29 Miss Roybal-Allard argues that a lawyer who is sleeping with a divorce client may not try too hard to reconcile husband and wife .
30 In addition it is clear from the transcript that she , very naturally , attached great importance to the fact that she knew the staff at the unit , had two friends there and , perhaps even more important , had a great bond with a lady who was assisting in her treatment .
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