Example sentences of "a [noun] [verb] as [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Glamis Castle is most famous for its association with Macbeth , and Shakespeare 's hero is said to still bemoan the murder of King Duncan , appearing to walk on the roof , taking a route known as The Mad Earl 's Walk .
2 Could n't such a course serve as the best sort of bridge between the two cultures ?
3 But she was always adored by the British public , especially the people of Swindon , where a statue stands as a permanent memorial .
4 Although their sentiments sound very pious as they earnestly cry , ‘ Lord , send revival ’ , what they are in fact engaged in is not so much a prayer meeting as a spiritual buck-passing session .
5 At the halfway point of the walk a waterfall serves as a life-saving cold shower and then it is all downhill .
6 A series of four handbooks for people in international publishing , each including a checklist of topic-related terminology , models of documents showing authentic use of terminology , case histories of specific situations requiring the use of the terminology , language in context giving guidance on use of certain terms and the avoidance of pitfalls , and a glossary presented as an alphabetic index to relevant pages and providing help with pronunciation where clarification might be useful because of usage or differences between arts of speech .
7 It should be read by the LIFESPAN Manager and a user designated as the Hard Copy Manager .
8 These procedures are the responsibility of a user designated as the Offline Operator , who does not , however , require any knowledge of LIFESPAN in order to fulfil the requirements of the Offline System .
9 And the throne of the country was occupied by a puppet-king regarded as an iniquitous usurper .
10 It was , I saw , an application for a permit to race as an amateur jockey .
11 We rarely if ever have in mind a circumstance described as a single event or whatever , but the possibility is not to be excluded by our definition .
12 A MAN was jailed for 12 years yesterday and two others each sentenced to nine years after being convicted of what a judge described as a cowardly and vicious attack on a helpless victim .
13 A tuberculin remains as a useful diagnostic agent for detecting the state of immunity to tuberculosis , and so giving evidence of the presence , or past presence , of the disease .
14 We have already seen that a sulphonamide acts as a false building block ; it fits into the construction but is the wrong shape for farther blocks to be added .
15 In general terms , any group of people wishing to carry on business under English law has to make a choice between three distinct legal forms of organisation , the company , the partnership and a hybrid known as the limited partnership .
16 In Mr Kinnock 's verbal ju-jitsu , that is a move known as the lexicographical counter-block .
17 Bourgeois literature was unequivocally condemned on three counts : first , for its failure to voice opposition to the First World War , a failure in other words to disclose the true reality of the war as an imperialist struggle ; secondly , for its refusal to offer an accurate depiction of the Soviet revolution , a failure explained as the cowardly refusal of the bourgeois writer to disclose the deepening crisis of capitalism after 1929 , a crisis highlighted by the success of the five year plan in the Soviet Union ; finally , for its refusal to face up to the growing threat of fascism .
18 There 's a bit of a puzzle here erm how can a community act as a single body independently of its governmental institutions ?
19 CCLGF business is first discussed in a body known as the Official Steering Group ( OSG ) which consists of senior officials of the associations and their advisers on the one side , and of senior government officials on the other :
20 An example of such a clause is the following which was found in the Foreign Compensation Act 1950 , a statute setting up a body known as the Foreign Compensation Commission : ‘ The determination by the commission of any application made to them under this Act shall not be called in question in any court of law . ’
21 BOB REID took over from Bob Reid as chairman of British Rail , a job described as a poisoned chalice since there is much trouble on the railways .
22 The computer did not plan an Agnes or a Paul , but only a prototype known as a human being , giving rise to a large number of specimens which are based on the original model and have n't any individual essence .
23 One way of using it , as we have already discovered , is to treat the pain of a funeral gathering as a technical exercise .
24 Znojmo , which is a town listed as an ancient monument , needs a good deal of restoration but its town hall of 1445 still possesses its tall , elegant steeple .
25 The ground floor consisted of stables , coach-houses , tackrooms and storehouses , while above , in addition to apartments occupied by unmarried male outdoor staff , was a room known as the Long Room .
26 In the following year he won the 100 yards AAA title ; he had for a while reigned as the British number one high jumper .
27 not to agree upon the appointment of a person to act as the third party determining the rent in default of agreement without the approval of the Landlord
28 Railway Street is a name retained as a fond memory for a public transport system axed by Beeching in 1966 .
29 While a modem acts as a two-way interface for text and numeric data between a computer and a telephone line , a codec does the same job with multimedia information and especially motion video .
30 The enangan had no subsequent special rights either in the girl or in her future children though her children addressed him by a title used as a respectful term for " Father " among some neighbouring groups .
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