Example sentences of "a [noun] [verb] in the same " in BNC.

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1 On the beach a speck moved in the same direction as they did .
2 It is always a pleasure to speak in the same debate as the hon. Member for Beaconsfield ( Mr. Smith ) .
3 ‘ It was a pleasure to play in the same side as a true football genius .
4 They say that once having used miscue analysis , they internalise its approach , and never listen to a child read in the same way again .
5 to pass ahead of the foremost part of another moving motor vehicle , being a vehicle proceeding in the same direction wholly or partly within that area , or
6 ‘ to pass ahead of the foremost part of another moving motor vehicle , being a vehicle proceeding in the same direction wholly or partly within that area ’ This phrase means that the offending vehicle or part of it must pass ahead of a slower moving motor vehicle travelling in the same direction .
7 All regiments are assumed to include a leader equipped in the same way as his men and with identical characteristics .
8 All units are assumed to include a leader equipped in the same way as his troops and with identical characteristics .
9 All regiments are assumed to include a leader equipped in the same way as his men and with identical characteristics .
10 Yeah , I mean the boy gets , the boy gets as the boy gets older obviously the council will look into it because you ca n't have a wife sleeping in the same room
11 Sub-section ( 4 ) provided that the power to re-hear should be exercisable only within 28 days of the order/sentence/finding of guilt as the case may be and only by a court constituted in the same manner as that which made the earlier decision .
12 The first common mistake people make is to imagine that a dog thinks in the same way as a human being .
13 Ok , Time found hidden in a hard day , dry earth becomes a dance floor , audience of three fowl , the fourth along with a reaper turns it back , wooden shoes meant for mud , rug on dancing feet Erm the next one is the still life on , on with three puppies , while I was looking at Gaugin 's work I could n't help but notice he 's constantly struck by the fact that he use set of three symbols through out his work it seems , and very , very often three caricatures erm or lines of three or three objects and I found this very interesting , more point of view that something that I , I wanted to incorporate in my own work , but I wanted to find a line or a phrase to use in the same way , erm , all of my work starts as one or a series of visual images and , and I then turn them into characters , repeating a word or repeating a line would be a way of erm emphasising characterise erm and the puppies that are in this painting erm , they delighted my children so much , I do n't know if any of you know , do you know the painting of the three puppies
14 J. A. Brink , from Paris , in a letter published in the same issue , is similarly vague , suggesting that the PWR has an availability of ‘ below 80 per cent ’ .
15 In Pakistan , it is common to find three generations of a family living in the same house perhaps together with aunts , uncles and cousins .
16 ‘ Before any enactment existed with regard to actions by solicitors for their costs , a solicitor stood in the same position as any other person who has done work for another at his request , and could sue as soon as the work which he was retained to do was finished , without having delivered any signed bill of costs or waiting for any time after the delivery of such a bill .
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