Example sentences of "a [noun] [verb] [adv prt] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 So this was how a submarine came back from a successful patrol !
2 A beech burst out like a fungus , matured , rotted , and fell in a cloud of tinder dust amid its struggling offspring .
3 A kitchen set up at a nearby ‘ dough ’ table can provide the ‘ food ’ — cakes , biscuits , sausage rolls or sandwiches .
4 Suddenly a Hurricane came down in a screaming dive and splashed into the sea .
5 First we may consider the phrase : ( 25 ) acrobatic performance In the light of the discussion above we may remark that this can be understood in either of two ways : first , as covering any performance which is so described because it is linked with the idea of an acrobat in the execution of his or her professional duties ; this would include expertise in juggling , tightrope walking , standing on one 's hands , and so on , even if they are performed by an amateur lacking any natural talent for the task ; second , ( 25 ) may be used to designate any performance which is acrobatic in itself , even if not part of the normal repertoire of acrobats , for instance , grabbing hold of a branch growing out from a cliff just after falling from the top .
6 Many kind Friends interest themselves in George Green 's behalf , and I find that by this day 's post an application has been made for a specimen of his hand-writing etc. and a hope held out of a situation ( in a Counting house , I believe ) , but if you were willing to take him , and if it could be arranged in other points , he would greatly prefer being in your establishment to any thing else .
7 My proposal asks a great deal of many of you : time , energy , commitment , a willingness to go along with a plan which there is not time to discuss at length , and with ideas which I do n't imagine will win universal approval .
8 ‘ Then you are without female dependants , ’ said Sophia , almost like a chairman summing up at a meeting .
9 And the little goblin followed Yanek up the mountain until they reached a high , lonely place where a waterfall ran down into a deep pool .
10 The Bible is quite clear that it is always a mistake for a Christian to go out with a non-Christian .
11 What do you think the difficulties could be if a Christian went out with a non-Christian ?
12 If the subsidiaries of the Scottish Bus Group are released into the private sector , with all the rhetoric about freedom and competition , one of the rights that will be established is the right of a buyer to sell on to a new owner Whatever safeguards the Minister may tell us , to salve his conscience , are built into the legislation , the truth is that they will disappear immediately further sales take place .
13 This is one of the Enemy 's favourite tricks : nothing is more convincing than a half-truth joined on to a lie .
14 Kenamun had not removed his gaze from Huy , who began to feel like a specimen , or , worse , a snake stared down by a mongoose .
15 A fight spills out of a saloon .
16 It appears a fight broke out after a game of pool .
17 As a male sets out along a branch , he leans over sideways , lifts one of his back legs and carefully expels a few drops of urine on to the sole of his foot .
18 So I tried the RSPCA inspector , but it seemed he was more concerned with a cow wandering about in a shopping mall in Carmarthen .
19 As the mourners left the Church , there had been plans for a Spitfire to fly over in a final tribute .
20 Late in the afternoon , a porter came along with a creaking trolley carrying a coffee urn and snackstuffs , and everyone stirred to a kind of frisky wakefulness and examined the fare keenly .
21 A jay flew out of a nearby tree , startling them with its clattering wings , and then they heard the unmistakable sound of distant adult voices calling .
22 Now , suddenly , a jay looks down from a hiding place in a lichened oak and slips away without breaking the silence : stealthy , cunning , typical of the inveterate egg thief .
23 An Indian wearing a turban came out of a door on the half landing and , with a slight bow , waited for her to pass .
24 Halfway up , the stream poured out from some hidden source and fell in a silver smoke down to a pool .
25 A figure popped out of a doorway to Alexei 's left , and he cut at it with his sword and ran on .
26 If we are referring to a mass of matter we can say that it is the same so long as it consists of the same particles , whereas if we are referring to a living body this need not be so : ‘ a colt grown up to a horse , sometimes fat , sometimes lean , is all the while the same horse : though … there may be a manifest change of the parts . ’
27 I 'm sneaking a moment on deck before breakfast , feeling limp and watching a heron gliding around like a poker with a crick in its neck , when there 's a North country whisper behind me .
28 And yet Raskolnikov 's greater enormity is that having forgotten to bolt the door after killing the money-lender he is surprised by her half-sister , the woman who mends linen and has mended his in her time , apparently always pregnant , through simplicity , not waywardness , meek-eyed though ‘ she looks like a soldier dressed up as a woman ’ ( who but Dostoevsky ! ) and Raskolnikov kills Lizaveta too .
29 Suddenly from below came the unmistakable sound of gunfire , the roar of a shotgun sounding along with a short sharp burst of a machine gun .
30 Perhaps more important for our purposes is the economists ' view of law which is something quite different from that of the lawyers ' traditional idea of a command backed up by a sanction .
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