Example sentences of "and an [adj] [noun sg] for the " in BNC.

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1 He 'll be fighting to keep his lead the next day , for this first full stage , a circuit through the Basque country , will be fast , tricky , and an especial challenge for the Spanish riders .
2 We also enclosed details of the particular System and Finder installed on our Macintosh together with a LaserWriter Plus sample and an approximate timing for the page to print on that device .
3 Generosity , affability and an overwhelming fondness for the sound of his own voice : these characteristics , founded on a ready wit and a gargantuan appetite , created a superficial impression of warmth and worldliness which Harry took to be typical of an upper crust Home Counties hotelier .
4 She was honest enough to admit yesterday that in general terms , the tennis was an embarrassment and an awful spectacle for the 74 people watching .
5 Nilsson 's gleaming voice was in its prime in 1960 and she sings Isolde with tireless concentration and an appreciable feeling for the various aspects of the part — frustration and revenge in Act 1 , love 's delirium in Act 2 and the elevation of the Liebestod .
6 He maintained a kindly interest in welfare matters , instituting an annual reunion for former employees and an annual tea-party for the children , over which he presided .
7 Tuesday there was a brochure advertising something called The Magic Realist Book Club and an introductory offer for the record .
8 She was a reporter with the City Press , and an occasional correspondent for the Star — a radical national daily .
9 This interesting museum is only open from May to September , and an alternative site for the collection is being discussed .
10 It included , along with clauses concerned with tolls and mercantile rights , a grant of freedom for the town and all dwellers in it ; the abolition of the judicial duel , unpopular with merchants ; the use of inquest in its place ; and an enlarged competence for the échevins or boni homines , the successors of the Carolingian scabini , re-established in the town at the very beginning of the century .
11 Durán , 70 , a former mayor of the capital , Quito , and an unsuccessful candidate for the presidency on two previous occasions , received most votes in the central highlands but also drew significant support in the western coastal regions .
12 These show monthly actual , monthly forecast , cumulative figures and an updated forecast for the current year , and comparative figures for the preceding year .
13 States may undertake duties with respect to individuals and impose duties upon them , as signified by the emergence of international crimes and an international law for the protection of human rights .
14 On July 12 , 1990 , the department issued a draft secretarial order which proposed tighter budgetary controls and an expanded role for the new resident US representative in Belau .
15 I had a conditional discharge for one and an absolute discharge for the other .
16 ( i ) Petition and a copy ( and an additional copy for the supervisor of a voluntary arrangement unless he is the petitioner ) and a further copy for the petitioner or his solicitor ; ( ii ) affidavit verifying the petition with a copy of the petition exhibited ( see section 9 below ) ; ( iii ) receipt for deposit of £240 paid to the official receiver ( Insolvency Fees ( Amendment ) Order 1990 ) -this sum can be paid to the court who will remit it to the official receiver ; ( iv ) affidavit of service of statutory demand ( if applicable ) ; ( v ) court fee : £45 .
17 Where a lease reserves a fixed rent for part of the term and an unascertainable rent for the balance , it is stamped ad valorem on the fixed rent and £2 on the unascertainable rent .
18 Their presence in normal schools would be disruptive to the general process of education and an unsuitable environment for the children concerned .
19 A properly understood market process is not just a generator of economic welfare , it is also protection for liberty and an efficient method for the realization of many desirable social goals .
20 Currently being renovated , once restored , Ballone Castle will function as both a home and an elegant showcase for the company 's products .
21 However , he concluded : ‘ Having to tackle reductions of this magnitude should not be seen so much as a threat to our way of life but as a challenge and an enormous opportunity for the world 's scientists , engineers and industrialists in both the developed and developing countries . ’
22 The programme at the Primary Schools Centre remained by far the largest part of the Authority 's central INSET commitment during the evaluation period and an important medium for the transmission of advisory views on good practice .
23 And an open door for the boy whose idea of fun is a lock out .
24 The range was a clearing in the forest with some open sky beyond , along with a couple of huts and an open frame for the would-be marksman to stand .
25 Douglas Roaf has given money for the Physical Sciences , and an anonymous donor for the Biological Sciences .
26 It was , admitted Franco , " of poorer quality " , but it was " usable and an excellent food for the lower classes " .
27 It seemed bizarre to select a washing machine and an electric cooker for the use of some prospective young maid who was still sitting with her family in a Karachi or Lahore back street .
28 Whereas associative theories emphasise the passive responding to external events and the building of complex behaviour from small elements , cognition theories emphasise the active engagement of the person and an organic model for the acquisition of complex behaviour .
29 Since 1964 , however , a number of changes , including the creation of new police liaison committees , the reorganisation of police authorities in the former Metropolitan Counties , and an enhanced role for the National Reporting Centre during the miners ' strike , have transformed the context of decision-making about policing .
30 There they will have seen the steepest acceleration graph we have ever plotted , with it 0–100mph time of only 14secs and an elapsed time for the standing quarter-mile of 13.9secs . ’
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